Jejune were one of those bands that I thought never really fit into the whole emo genre. Maybe it's just that, in the midst of boy-bands like The Promise Ring, The Get Up Kids, Jimmy Eat World, Sunny Day Real Estate, and others, Jejune didn't really fit. They didn't have a post-punk or post-hardcore - or really a post-anything - sound. From the beginning, Jejune's sound was consistent, a very rocking, very lofty and textured affair. And while it may have been emotional music, I never was comfortable with calling it emo.
Well, Jejune has broken up, and we are left with this album of a few new tracks, some re-works of old and unrecorded tracks, and a few remixes. And I think that this album should put to rest the claim that Jejune was emo. This is not emo at all. Some songs are infectiously poppy, others very emphatic and intensely rocking. The combination of male and female vocals is used perfectly on these songs. And, if anything, these newer tracks show the band moving even further away from a post-hardcore melodic "emo" sound.
First, the new songs. I think the opener, "Record City After World," is probably my favorite Jejune track. Featuring the thick and lovely vocals of Arabella Harrison and going from a slower, more relaxed pace to crescendos of guitar and drums, still with Harrison's voice remaining constant and lofty. This song is lovely. In contract, "The New State" is entirely different, very straight-forward and pop-rock focused, with driving guitar riffs - including an actual guitar solo! - warbling keyboards, and a tempo that really makes you want to dance. "Lunatic" has that same kind of lofty, textured and not-too-fast sound that you're probably used to from Jejune, but "The Highs and Lows" is totally different. This song, I swear, reminds me of The Psychedelic Furs' "Pretty in Pink," at least until the more poppy chorus. "2000 Miles" is another favorite, very slow and spacey due to a heavy use of keyboards and female vocals. This one's also 8 minutes long.
Then there's the tracks that were half recorded and finished up for this release, or they are other takes on versions you've already likely heard. These are hit and miss, as you might expect. If they weren't finished before, there's a reason. "Early Stars" is probably the best of the bunch, very laid-back and light with gorgeous vocals. "Heart of Desire," sounds a little rough, but it's catchy and much more up-tempo than you might expect from this band, and it uses both male and female vocals. And "That's Why She Hates Me" shows the band experimenting with those spacey keyboard sounds underneath very solid guitar and drums. And I do like this version of "Solar," which, at the end, has some frantic and desperate screaming way in the background behind Harrison's crooned "ooo-oooo." Neat touch.
The final two tracks are remixes of the band's songs, and I'm not a big fan of remixes for rock songs. Remixes are made for more electronic-style songs. Or, at least, if you remix a rock song, really do something exciting to it. These two songs are pretty morose. "Lowlife" is way too distorted and echoed, everything but the drums, which makes for an odd feel, and "Grace" is similarly echoed and way too subtle.
This album is definitely worth picking up for any fan who has ever been taken by the sheer beauty of Jejune's songs. The dynamics of soft and melodic to loud and intense, coupled with textured guitar lines and fantastic vocals, made this band a pleasure to listen to. And while their remixes and older tracks aren't exactly gems with a few exceptions, those new songs show the band was moving in a very exciting and original direction. Of course, we all lament the band's break-up, and that's why these songs are even more important. It's best to remember a band by their best work.
If that doesn't interest you, well, I heard my neighbours having sex again. I think they like to go at it at the balcony. No complains though. Just hoping she ain't a fat hairy bitch cause like they say, if your woman's got a deep voice and a hairy back - your woman's a man.
29 January, 2006
27 January, 2006
Simi mia?
To be fair, it's quite logical that the further we progress, the more things will already have been done. But to be vindictive, count the number of recent films that aren't sequels, based off a novel, a play, comic book superheroes or a remake of a classic.
...used the other hand yet?
So we were on our way to see Proof, another one of those critically acclaimed, powerful and stirring movies that tend to bore me shitless. Yes, yes, no art in my soul and all that. But Proof was quite well done. At least it didn't pretend to be funny, like Sideways. Comedy of the year my sweet, yellow...
But hey, what do I know. My idea of funny is Jackie Chan saying, "What's up, my nigger?".
We walk past the promotional cardboards for the upcoming Pink Panther movie and the missus tugs my arm. "Look! My future son's name!" she says.
Yes, she wants to name her son Pink Panther.
No argument from me. Bad enough being Chinese and one of those with a common surname. The angs have it good - the possibilities are endless. Lurking on the SomethingAwful forums, I read a thread about names. Someone knew of a person with the middle name, "Needs More Nutmeg". There were sweet names around like...Davian Blood, I think. Also names that produce a bitter cynic by the age of 12, like Justin Time and Justin Case.
"...what? Heh, heh. You mean like Just-In..."
Enough of the Johns and Bens, eh? Pink Panther should get my future son laid more often than me. ...or turn him flaming homosexual. Either way, he'll be a hit at parties.
"Pink Panther Lim," she says softly to herself. "You decide the Chinese name ok?"
Some of us are just born with this spirit of one-upsmanship. I decided to see her Pink Panther and raise her...
"Sure. Lim Beh Ka Li Gong. Pink Panther Lim Beh Ka Li Gong."
Oh he'll go through some tough formulative years. But what don't kill'im only make'im strongah, yo?
P.P Lim is surrounded by some older boys in his first year of high-school equivalent. They look tough as nails, but are friendly blokes.
"Hello, we's from the rugby team," says one shaven-headed boy with a scar across his face. He flexes a bicep for emphasis. "We's looking for some new players this year - what your name, mate?"
P.P Lim has this sinking, sinking feeling.
"Uh, thanks guys but Rugby's not really my thing..."
"Oh no worries eh? We around if youse ever interested. Name's Pete. Me friends call me Killer."
Cue appreciative grunts from the team. "You are?" he smiles, revealing two gaps in his teeth.
"...anther," P.P mumbles.
"Huzzat mate? Anthony?"
The mood flickers. The gap-toothed smile is gone.
"We just trying to be friendly mate. What's your name?"
"Ok, ok, Lim."
"No need to be like that about it. Your proper name."
Resigned, P.P takes a deep breath and says, "Lim Beh Ka Li Gong."
Brows furrow. The group advances. "Oh you think youse funny, eh?"
Just before the group closes in, P.P mumbles under his breath, "No, but my father thinks he's a fucking comedian," and puts his arms over his head.
...I insist it's funny. For what help it is, "Lim Beh Ka Li Gong" translates as "I, your father, am telling you" in Hokkien.
This does not bode well for my offspring.
Posted by
24 January, 2006
Rule Book No.1
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument
Posted by
22 January, 2006
14 January, 2006
I was searching for articles on Life on the internet using Yahoo's search engine and what does it give me back in return?
King Kong.....
Anyway, how is everyone so far? Enjoying the brand new year of hopes, dreams and aspirations and new strain of bird flu viruses? Isn't sad when you think about the way people die from diseases, that most of these diseases originated from animals? In my mind I'm thinking, oh god, what the hell are people doing these days? The animals are on a rampage I'd say- apes, chickens, fish, pigs, cows and whathaveyous. I say what's next, you eat two pieces of pork, grow hairy green nipples and die of nipple cancer?
Oh well, if you haven't watched the Family Stone, I suggest you go catch it. It's wicked sick. I thought it was the typical Christmassy show but it turned out to be really different. Something unexpected really. Go Go watch. And bring tissue paper please.
And back to life...after by passing all the King Kong sites..
Only a contented mind can be happy. A contented man may not be enlightened.But an enlightened man is contented. So strive for enlightenment even though striving may bring in some suffering.
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