She sells sea shells by the sea shore - and probably more.
Captain's Log, 2050. AD (I think) 12.32 am - to explore a toliet where no man has wanked in before: There are a total of wait, six, no wait! SEVEN in the crew.
Commanding Officer A.R.L.G.X. Also known as Andrew Royce Lim Guan Xian. Highly trained in sweet talking women and siphoning information from them. Master in hairstyling and zippo tricks.
Then comes the 2nd in command; (COSC) Commanding Officer Second in Command, simple yet not so simple but simply known as Marcus. Or slightly more confusingly known as Marky Mark Marketing, even slightly more confusing know as M3. Gifted with the skill of puking, inhuman facial contortions and has high penis gropping tendancies while sleeping on a friend's bed.
Navigation Officer Felicia Toh is next. Nicknames include, iKe, tampon box instructions reader (TBIR), (MGFSIHAPF) My Guy Friend Said I Have A Pad Face, resident whiner, Brat and White haired monster. Specialities include being proficient in many different languages, pinching people's most sensitive parts, slapping the toilet cleaner's favourite hat and asking for massages. She can't read maps nor navigate for shit.
Kitchen Crew include Kelly from the distant star known as Sing-A-Pore, Jodie from the very distand star known as Hong-K-Ong and Wendy from a distant distant star known as Tai-w-An. Three hot babes to serve hot food to the rest of crew. Hardwoking, funny, photogenic and multilingual. Excellent with choping boards, ingredients and food presentation. Hobbies include, cooking cooking cooking and bitching. Always present and never forgotten.
Last and the scummest of the crew is the Latrine Cleaner, Specialist Donald. (LCS) More commonly known as the toilet cleaner, Don Don, double d and Quacks. Specialities include wearing caps, looking cool while washing toliets and getting his cap smacked by the N.O from time to time. Chill out sessions include cleaning unflushed toliets, biting crew members and digging his nose.
Recent explorations include the LCS's abode and a distand distant distant distant star know as StradbrokeIsland together with a spaceship load of non pork eating martians. Findings include strong winds, seas with different hues of blue, soft sand, very wet sand, sand which read fucke, scantily clad aliens running on weird sand and, sluts. Much evidence was taken with secret new age unseen and unheard of spy technology know as digital cameras! (WOAH!). Rewards include red faced crewship members, seeing the Commanding Officer's huge backside, learning that the Navigation Officer has a parallex error when it comes to catching objects and watching the COSC's face nearly getting annihilated with a primitive weapon known as a soccer ball.
Crew members shall continue to embark on malicious journeys throughout the far far away galaxy known as Downunder a Woman's Skirt whilst having orgasms on new found activities on the battleShip, that whizzes faster than a fly in outter space, known as the DMMSYF (Don't Make Me Slap Your Face).
End Log.
24 April, 2005
20 April, 2005
The white smoke - the people have been answered...supposedly.
And so the Catholic Church has a new Pope.
German, 78. And chose the title, Benedict the 16th. Well done.
He's probably gonna die soon.
I don't know why they bother.
Displeased, I am with the decision..
But whatever the case, God has His plans well drawned out.
And so rises a new Servant of God, from the slience of death.
Go and sow what you may of God's people entrusted to you. In your divinity Lord you have placed your hands and granted a new servant unto us.
Grant that he may lead us well and honourably, but let Your will be done, not his.
Posted by
18 April, 2005
The raucous of a Psychologist to be, maybe, perhaps, perchance
- if I don't fuck up.
Woke up today with a rather disturbing recollection of the nonsense that I ranted
on with ike yesterday. Treetop Inc. Where francais was the language that bewitched
my simplistic mind, regaling me with tales of stars and how they came about.
It was all good, till she pushed me down the tree-top; and jolted me awake.
As a psychologist to be*(see above)* I've become brainwashed to believe that
my countenance and hopeful originality will fall pray to the malicious mundanity
of - research - Whilst fellow psychopathologist/psychologist are encouraged to come in and chat about their work with one another and even present short papers, hence with the high probability of finding myself in socialised setting that would be hypnotically congenial. I need to study under an aegis of a strong mind.
On the other hand, whilst getting myself a free ass massage on the way home on a lump of metal that seemed to take the shape of a bus, I chanced apon something that almost got thrown me out of the bus; for apparently an asian kid laughing hysterically over something he'd read is not something tolerated nor accepted even in such (in my opinion) a convict-style upbringing society. Fucking troglodytes - and so it goes, the passage read: 'It was dawning to me that the whole way in which people have hitherto viewed in mental illness has been philosophically suspect. The division between doctor and patient has corresponded to an unwarranted epistemological assumption - we're really finding out the extent to which all the catagories, devoid of real content, representing only the taxonomic, psychic fascism of a gang of twisted old men." - and I forgot to mention BALD too.
Oh well. Back to reality - sleep.
Posted by
Explicitly for voodoo dicks, or so they say.
Woke up pretty late today. Lazy sunday syndrome kicked in as usual.
Sleeping most of my life away, so much so that I felt i woke up with a hang-over.
the body clock routine is totally messed up. -shrugs-
Met the group again today.
Went to catch Guess Who? with Guanxian, Marcus and Kelly
then ajourned to Cyber for some brainless rantings, with Wendy and Felly
joining us later.
It's good to know that there are still people out there who are humane,
funny and on the same wavelength as you. It's reassuring. Perhaps it's the innate
yearning to feel wanted at times. As they say, we're naturally social animals. Perhaps it's
the incapcity of humans to learn about themselves without mingling with others;
-the casuality of a difference makes the sum of a whole; a deeper understadning of
yourself. Loneliness is an anathema to the soul.
Well, hopefully.
Ah vell, time to hit the sack. The bed beckons.
Sorry about the arm. Couldn't help biting it. You know who you are.
Omnipotent beings seem like distant stars
that strain to shine in the fading of the night
while overbearing day regains consciousness and takes flight.
Blotting all disillusionment of evening fall
where the restless wake and prance around in shades of shadows
formed when moonbeams shine on them.
Posted by
17 April, 2005
The senses of my being flee, rendering me useless to what ifs and whathaveyous.
What do you not have?
Like understanding the Ur-bororo, whatever the hell that is. The ignominy of bullshit scares me not! Ha!
There seems to be a pile of crap on my floor and a teetered noticed board on my wall festooned with notes such as:
An iffy book the quantity theory of insanity theory is. One must be insane to try and quantify insanity. A paradox of a stupid person trying to write about stupid people in the stupidest book ever written. Brilliant! Bravo! Bravo! (A rather excoriating review don’t you think?)
Incoherent. That’s me right now. Staring at a square that’s going blink blink with numbers and words appearing and meaning absolutely fuck to me. FUCK.
FUCK alright. I’m drunk.
And I don’t even have a fucking dog to walk.
Posted by
14 April, 2005
No more wealth management please!
Maybe I shouldn't have taken the elective, I totally hate it. -bleah-
Oh well I thought it was gonna be easy but...-sigh- nevermind.
Had the mid semester exam for it today,
Hope that I can score well.
Went over to Jill's place for some help and looked at work till 2ambefore bunking over yesterday.
We're not together anymore.
Yea I dumped her.
Well dumped is kinda harsh..we're just not together anymore.
But we're still friends I guess, after all, I've known her since first semester.
Went back to school for group project for a while.
Then met up with guanxian, felicia, marcus, wendy and guanxian's other friend, maddie.
Went to this thai place for dinner.
Wasn't great at all, every dish was too sweet. -shrugs-
Had a great time laughing it out and getting to know new people.
I feel like i'm just begining to live a life in Aussie. Amen!
Headed down to three monkeys after that where the clowning continued.Amazing really, haven't had so much fun in ages.
And it's especially soothing after anexam paper. Fantastic really.
Looks like it's gonna be a weekly affair.
Sweet ass.
"all we are is part of everything it's out of our control and i'll say all you need to know is anything that's happening is happening" All that I know - Get Up Kids
Posted by
republished for felicia's amusement
It's been a while since I last blogged.
Currently happy at my new place.
No doggie poo whatsoever.
No more walking around the house in sandals!!!
and it's pretty close to everything you can ever need.
The room's not that spacious but it's neat nevertheless.
It's got ducted air-con so that's a plus. It's carpeted too.
Which keeps the feet warm when it gets really cold.
Finally had some life in Brisbane after such a long time,
other than the games that I'm addicted too.
Actually went to a KTV called JJs which is in Chinatown.
Pretty cheap when there are about 6 pepople goin.
And fun too cause the people can actually sing.
Especially the girls, they really rocked.
And felicia CAN actually sing even though I label her retarded ever so often.
Met a few new people, this dude called GuanXian and this other HK-SG girl. T
here was this other guy called terence and this other girl as well, can't recall her name really. Well perhaps cause it was in Chinese. But hey, she does sing pretty damn well if I do say so myself.
A pretty fun bunch of people i must say.
Let's hope the friendship lasts in the long run!
Currently blogging from a friend's laptop. She's sleeping behind me as I'm doing so.
And snoring.
And it's amazing cause she actually talks rubbish when she's deprived of sleep. Sadly she's wearing a CJC PE shirt to sleep. O.o Just can't understand that really.
What's with the fascination of colloecting different T-Shirts from different schools?
I mean okay fine she was an ex CJCian but aiyar.. -bleah-
Oh she's felicia. Yea the same felicia that I call retarded ever so often.
Anyway I'm off to sleep, at 6am Brisbane time.
In a pink bed covered with pink sheets.
And stuffed toys everywhere and drapped in pink linen. O.o
Isn't a guest bed nice?
Posted by
13 April, 2005
No more wealth management please!
Maybe I shouldn't have taken the elective, I totally hate it. -bleah-
Oh well I thought it was gonna be easy but...-sigh- nevermind.
Had the mid semester exam for it today,
Hope that I can score well.
Went over to Jill's place for some help and looked at work till 2am
before bunking over yesterday.
We're not together anymore. Yea I dumped her. Well dumped is kinda harsh..
we're just not together anymore.
But we're still friends I guess, after all, I've known her since first semester.
Went back to school for group project for a while.
Then met up with guanxian, felicia, marcus, wendy and guanxian's other friend.
Went to this thai place for dinner.
Wasn't great at all, every dish was too sweet. -shrugs-
Had a great time laughing it out and getting to know new people.
I feel like i'm just begining to live a life in Aussie. Amen!
Headed down to three monkeys after that where the clowning continued.
Amazing really, haven't had so much fun in ages. And it's especially soothing after an
exam paper. Fantastic really.
Looks like it's gonna be a weekly affair.
Sweet ass.
"all we are is part of everything it's out of our control
and i'll say all you need to know is anything that's happening is happening"
All that I know - Get Up Kids
Posted by
12 April, 2005
From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:.
But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:
Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee
Posted by
09 April, 2005
It's been a while since I last blogged.
Currently happy at my new place. No doggie poo whatsoever.
No more walking around the house in sandals!!!
and it's pretty close to everything you can ever need.
The room's not that spacious but it's neat nevertheless.
It's got ducted air-con so that's a plus.
It's carpeted too. Which keeps the feet warm when it gets really cold.
Finally had some life in Brisbane after such a long time, other than the games
that I'm addicted too. Actually went to a KTV called JJs which is in Chinatown.
Pretty cheap when there are about 6 pepople goin. And fun too cause
the people can actually sing. Especially the girls, they really rocked.
And felicia CAN actually sing even though I label her retarded ever
so often.
Met a few new people, this dude called GuanXian and this other HK-SG girl.
There was this other guy called terence and this other girl as well, can't recall her name
really. Well perhaps cause it was in Chinese. But hey, she does sing pretty damn well
if I do say so myself.
A pretty fun bunch of people i must say. Let's hope the friendship lasts
in the long run!
Currently blogging from a friend's laptop.
She's sleeping behind me as I'm doing so. And snoring.
And it's amazing cause she actually talks rubbish when she's deprived of sleep.
Sadly she's wearing a CJC PE shirt to sleep. O.o Just can't understand that really.
What's with the fascination of colloecting different T-Shirts from different schools?
I mean okay fine she was an ex CJCian but aiyar.. -bleah-
Oh she's felicia. Yea the same felicia that I call retarded ever so often.
Anyway I'm off to sleep, at 6am Brisbane time.
In a pink bed covered with pink sheets.
And stuffed toys everywhere and drapped in pink linen. O.o
Isn't a guest bed nice?
Posted by