Watched Kinsey today. Surprisingly it was quite disappointing.
Oh well, to much hype about it perhaps.
Or perhaps it was one of those things when someone has a high expectation
of something but it turns out dodgey..
Someone has been on a pop-corn rampage since coming home; even tried to ration
me a single pop-corn for the entire movie.
-FAT HOPE- try it one more time and -I- will stick a flower in -your- head. -laughs-
Caught up with Tim, Sally and Fazil after. Headed down to Coffee Club in town.
It's a rarity that the four of us spend
time together anymore these days.
Oh well, I guess the apparent -growing up phase- has finally sunk in.
We're all moving towards different aims in life and methinks
we're definitely learning to appreciate each other more.
God I love my buddies.
Mum told me some -not very good news- today. -SigH-
All I can say is I hope for the best.
And a miracle.
"Is it my imagination
Or have I finally found something worth living for?
I was looking for some action
But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol" - Oasis
20 January, 2005
12 January, 2005
mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb
mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb
and it was white as snow
and everywhere that mary went
the lamb would suck her toe
anyway...for what i did today. Read Vel's blog.
I'm feeeling lazy.
damn you vel! -laughs-
Posted by
09 January, 2005
"lost in a daydream. in spite of everything. candy coated sparkle haze that sends me away.
I'm a million times gone.
until the suns sets for the last time.
until the ocean burns.
I won't fall asleep in this old house.
saccharin in my veins.
these days go by and no one really knows how to do the real math, the real chemistry.
and when the world blows up,
I'll hold your hand when the big bomb drops,
I'll hold your hand because you rock." this afternoon's malady - jejune
feeling in a whatyoumightcallit mood again. a mixture of jejune thoughts of this and that. like a pill that's hard to swallow but that doesn't taste so bad. perhaps it's the the midnight silence that creeps into my ears, prying out every unspoken emotion in me. perhaps it's the way my morbid mind percieves my memories and experiences. it's like a black and white photo wanting to have colour and substance.
perhaps it's my future that i thus contemplate. my degree, my honours and then what. masters or PhD. and on to the dreaded world of working life. there seems to be an emptiness in this vehement persuit of these goals. what are wanted are known, but will having i want satisfy me. my family comes into the picture very often. the siblings are young and untrained while the parents are old and strained. my feet are on solid ground. but adaptation is needed for unpredictable circumstances. maybe i'm a happy pill trying hard to dissipate the sadness that lingers all around but maybe this pill isn't effective enough. perhaps i'll also take hamlet's advice and shut the fuck up now, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. -laughs-
haven't heard from the lawn mower. maybe she's broken down for real this time. -bleah-
"Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince,
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"
Posted by
08 January, 2005
Fat Farm Summit
watched being julia today. talk about 18th century satire and breaking all it's rules. with things from homosexualty to scandals to self-realisation to emancipation of women to schizophrenia. with laughs from start to end, it was a well spent 6.50. 4 out of 5 popcorns. 4 because as charming and fantastic as annette bening was in the film, she was a total bitch in the end.
had lunch with tim and sally and my mum. had loads of fun. had some viet con thingy for lunch; vite con chicken rice, char siew and some soup followed by kaya toast and pineapple tarts for dessert. sweet ass fattening session eHz. -blink-
met daf and vel after.
what do you get when you put 3 psychologist together?
3 psychos-lost-it.
especially when they start getting trigger happy with their cameras. yup, it's sua ku land time; like a couple of long lost friends who haven't seen each other in eons and er seemingly have never ever seen shaw center before.
superb indeed.
Posted by
03 January, 2005
"When I say I'm in love with her. What does that mean? It means I review my future and my past in the light of this feeling. It is as though I wrote in a foreign language that I am suddenly able to read. Wordlessly, she explains me to myself. Like a genius, she is ignorant of what she does." Jeanette Winterson, "The Passion"
it's comforting to know that i've made a mistake about my parents.
love reveals itself in the simplest way ever. "Dearest Wife..."
and my heart was reassured.
" Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small,
and you don't ask the time of day.
But you and I, our love will never die,
but guess we'll cry come first of May." first of may - bee gees
Posted by
02 January, 2005
listening to: greyscale by jejune
no matter what anyone says i'm still pretty much the emo junkie.
guitar chords run through my veins like cocaine.
went to watch shutter with miss lawn mower today.
it wasn't all that bad. neither was it all that scary. and it had a rather original ending.
the thais have a way of doing things; not to mention always adding tinges of tranny jokes into them.
i hereby bestow apon them *3 popcorns.* that's er, out of 5.
listening to: regrets are unanswered dreams by jejune
ate pretty damn alot today. had tapanyaki with v at bishan as appetizer. then went to coffee bean for koohi and some taiwanese snack pwock pwock thingy which was actually laden with pwock pwock salt and pepper. met with tim and sal after for some midnight grub at the railway station coffee shop where we desecrated 1 bowl of mee soto, 1 bowl of mee rubus, 1 order of you tiao, 1 order of char kway teow, 10 pieces of tutu and 10 pieces of otah; washing it down with a coffee for tim, a teh ice for me and a lime juice for sal. yes we are piggy.
listening to polaris by jimmy eat world
v and i pretty much castigated relationships today. for the most part we were just blabbering about how certain ideals in life were pretty much moulded by the way we were brought up. of how specific wants, needs and fancies were mirrored apon certain memories and experiences that in my opinion, subtlely cling onto our minds. v's pretty much sure of what she wants in life. she knows pretty much what she wants to achieve academically. she's also quite firm on the type of guy/man she wants in a relationship. as for me, she says that i need to be firm on what i want to achieve in life. she also feels i have a lot of angst in me. then again, she also said that she needs to know me better as well. perhaps she does indeed. -blink-
oddly enough when i got home, carol had a rather long talk with me. on relationships as well. she mentioned about faye and claudia which caught me by surprised. perhaps, said she, i should look for someone with the same set of values as me. for at the end of the day, said she again, values mould a person, apart from experience. -shrugs- i guess she's right. oddly enough she also said that whoever gets me will be a really happy person. -laughs- i love carol. i love my family. each and everyone of them. they're the happiest thing that has ever happened to me.
listening to: if this ain't love by groovejet
anyhow i'm quite excited about friday. i'm gonna be french.
as for now, i hope i don't have to sing do rei me again.
"i'm done there's nothing left to show
try but can't let go
are you happy where you're standing still
do you really want the sugar pill
i'll wake up tomorrow and i'll start
as the train approaches , getting on
as i'm sure your kiss remains employed
am i only dreaming?" polaris by jimmy eat world
Posted by
01 January, 2005
it's almost 7 am.
my body clock is screwed. oh well.
gonna watch Shutter with miss squirmish later.
maybe even catch ocean's 12 after that.
hope it's a scary movie else i'll throw my shoe at the screen.
"Oh yea. all right.
Somebody's Heine.
is crowding my ice box
somebody's cold one is giving me chills
guess i'll just close my eyes." - Weezer
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