met a vindictive little bitch today (no, not you vel).
more like my sister. apparently we were playing and suddenly she scratched me really hard. my skin peeled off and there was blood. my parents saw it and my sis realised this and immediately put on the ohididitbyaccident look. she was like, " sorry sorry sorry."in reply i said "yea, sorry this" and smacked her on the head. damn 11 year old kid. of all sperms she had to been the one.
anyhow, the number of victims of the Tsunami disaster stands at 117, 000 people. About 1/3 of this number are children. and if you think about it carefully, if sumatra wasn't in the path of the tsunami, good old singapore would have been sunked. yes ladies and gentlemen, we would have gotten our sunny island's ass kicked so hard the word ass-fuck would have a new meaning.
it's funny how people never really remember or care about how many poor people there are or how many children die from starvation or malnutrition each day in asia. i bet some european countries didn't give a fuck about the poor in south asia untill now. what a tragic it is to see then that these south asians have been given so much attention now that such a thing has happened. yet the responses from these "super power" countries are a dismay. with countries like America JUST increasing their aid fund to $32 million and those french fucks donating how much? a WHOOPING $130, 000, like omg, if you can't stand being magnanimous DON'T. south asia does not need pretentious pity. we need generous donations cause while you fuckwits are living those elite stuck up i have it all kinda lives, there are many in this region who need help.
a lot of help.
"I remember how you left the morning at daybreak.
so silent you stole from my bed
to go back to the one who possesses your soul
and i back to the life that i dread
so i ran like the wind to the water
please don't leave me again i cried
and i threw bitter tears in the ocean
but all that came back was the tide." I will not forget you - Sara Mclachlan
God have pity on us.
31 December, 2004
30 December, 2004
Phantom of the Opera.
what a fucking waste of money.
`Nuff said.
vel and i grew fatter today. -shakes head-
and i made her cry again. -blink blink-
*V's watching gilmore girls now* AN EATING...again -laughs-
apparently she wants to read something more than about her growing fatter. -bleah-
before the growing fatter story, we actually couldn't decide where to go and ended up asking a cab driver where's a good place to makan. uncle was so nice..he drove us to sembawang and dammit...-vel really can't make up her mind sometimes-. we walked to and fro between 2 coffee shops because the she saw a corner coffee shop and to try it out because there were more chinese gluttons there..but then she decided that the predominatly malay(s) glutton(s) coffee shop was nicer because it played good music and didn't look sleazy. -ROLLS EYES-
she really is like a broken lawn mower eHz? WMahhaha. ^^
and i told her a secret today. my secret. -bleah- don't ask.
"in pitch dark i go walking in your landscape.
broken branches trip me as i speak.
just coz you feel it doesnt mean its there.
just coz you feel it doesnt mean its there" there there - radiohead
Posted by
29 December, 2004
electrico - runaway
some didn't run fast enough, some were caught by surprise and many drowned.
many have said that it's a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. -shrugs-
it's just so frustrating for these people who have lost their homes, their loved-ones, their spirit and strength to carry on. and it's gonna be the new year soon.
the death toll just keeps going up and up and within 48 hours 60,000 people have been affected. people have perished. many of whom are children. where is God? -sighs-
let's hope that countries start contributing more. those damned americians only contributed 15 million to the the disaster. that's seriously shit compared to the amount they use to fund their stupid national sercurity omgkillallterroristmakethehomeless bullshit. come'on bush, trim those pubes of yours and see the light already.
anyhow, my toe is swollen. some stupid ant bit me at sentosa yesterday and now it's all itchy and scratchy. looks like a laup chiong actually. -yum yum- my idiot of a brother says that he hopes the doctors have to amputate my toe. -rolls eyes- so much for brotherly love.
Sweater song - Weezer
solo for this song absolutely rocks. sounds like masturbation on an electric guitar. -sexy-
boon teck's out drinking at a pub. well, he was. his com crashed and he was desperately looking for a window's XP installation disk. on the way he met an old friend and decided to have a drink with him. did i mention his friend's homosexual? ^^ i wonder if boon teck's gonna be drunk and driven home. -ponders-
the things i'd do for friends - short of fucking a dog or any other animal for that matter.
spoke to v last night. she was kinda moody after her dinner date with m. -pat- somehow the whole conversation became nostalgic with a sprinkle of sadness all over. as always she refused to sleep even though she was obviously tired and started talking rubbish at one point of our conversation. tsk. and so...i sang er ba ba black sheep and london bridge is falling down for her. (she requested la!) miraculously she fell asleep shortly after. -bleah- she can be such a pampered little bitch sometimes eHz. -shakes head- it was immensely funny though.
and whatever you did v. wasn't your fault. and don't regret. -pat- silly girl you.
"This time i'm on my own
Minutes from somewhere else
Somewhere I made a wish
On lucky Denver mint" - Jimmy Eat World
Posted by
28 December, 2004
I'm all red. my cheeks are red. my nose is red.
headed down to the beach with my bro and tim and afewofthelads today.
swam and sun baked for a good 3 hours. -blink-
went home around 7pm. had some clam chowder soup for dinner.
waited and waited actually.
was waiting for vel to call me or text me from her dinner date but she didn't do so untill 1am++
so i ended up watching kung fu hustle at 12.05am.
heh. vel must have had fun.
i'm home now. with mixed thoughts.
the show was crap by the way.
"I don't feel the way I ever felt. I know.
I'm gonna smile and not get worried.
I try but it shows." - Pain by Jimmy Eat World
Posted by
27 December, 2004
And what did Santa bring to Asia?
A whooping 8.9 scale earthquake. The largest the world has ever recorded in the last 40 years.
And with tsunamis reaching 80 ft, i'd say people got more than they wished for.
God rest their souls.
been chatting with Vel quite a bit these days. well actually more like in the mornings. somehow we've both got this strange habit to sleep at uber fucked up hours. watched meet the fockers with her last night and had quite a good chat at Coffee Club. alamak i made her cry. =p don't cry girl, you look terrible when you do. -blink blink-
it was Sal's birthday yesterday too. she's finally 21. happy birthday sally. -bite- don't upgrade to cigars please. it won't do your health any good. and girl, the sting ray wasn't as good as the last time we ate it la!
Posted by
23 December, 2004
And i thought genital mutilation was bad. Self mutilation is much worse, especially the way it was portrayed in the french movie "In My Skin". I guess the way it was filmed was really good but the whole story just didn't connect properly. Somehow somewhere meaning was lost and the passion of self mutilation was nowhere to be found. maybe vel and i missed out somewhere.
Vel's a really really funny girl. her intrinsic ability to make me laugh really amuses me. she's got wicked wit and the ability to repeat things over and over again. sweet ass. dawned in her sleeveless top and conservertive skirt she packs a laughter that is contagious and sarcasm which makes me look like ah boy. and she's narcissistic as well. what more of a friend can i ask for?
daf was rather moody today. and i guess i apologise for asking her out last minute. probably won't do that again. i guess people are different and i've come to accept that fact. it makes the word beautiful and interesting perhaps. perhaps.
Posted by
18 December, 2004
Blisters 101.
Try RollerBlading for 5 hours.
In the rain.
On sand.
And getting beaten by a damn twig. >.<
On hind sight i had fun!
And a whole load of aching.
Posted by
05 December, 2004
I'm back in Singapore land.
The land of the kiasu. The land of the really.
Been back for a few days now.
i'm on 2 months break.
sweet eHz?
*anyone wanna date me?* -blink blink-
What to do what to do?
I'm free....
Gotta enjoy..
but i'm already getting bored.
on top of that..well..
issues. BIG ones.
Posted by