Meh. Exam blues.
-shakes head-
Miss you all heaps.
A shout to Tim whose birthday just passed, to angel whose birthday just passed also and to Fuz whose birthday is today. And to Daf who's birthday is tomorrow.
29 October, 2004
15 October, 2004
Hello boys and girls, cock-suckers and cunt-fuckers, it's been a while eHz?
Ah yes the lovely inhalation of University fumes; all assignments done and now waiting to get bitch-slapped by Exams that unfortufuckingnately start in 3 weeks time. -rejoices-
Currently CS (Counter-Striking) not [Cock Sucking] for an Aussie clan that disbanded but is now newly reformed. -teamInfused-. Was ranked 13th in the whole of Australia on the G.A ladder (Game Arena). The ex leader invited me. And now i'm theirs, apparently.
Past two Clan matches were great. Beat d'r 13-5, and today M.U took a trashing from us in dust 2 with a 13-0 ass-fucking session. We analed them hard.
Lim Bei has been commended. Good reaction. Accurate. AWP God. -blink-
The whole team says so.
Line up is as follows: J a d a, exile, sleepR, willsup and Cheryl^ (me).
teamInfused ' Cheryl^
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