I had a gay moment today.
Bought 3 shirts = $200
Biotherm moisturizer = $80
17 September, 2004
15 September, 2004
I'm actually tired.
I guess that's a good thing considering the fact that I haven't been able to sleep like since..forever?
One major assignment to hand up and I'm done.
That's just sweet. Time for that mid semester break that I've been look forward to.
Of course...i have the 4 assignments to hand in AFTER the break so it isn't really much of a bloody break. -rolls eyes- Was suppose to head down to Tasmania for the hols but that's been scrapped. Other plans await.
-blink blink-
Nothing much today, just 4 gnawing hours of stats to cripple my brain..or what's left of it. -Duh what?-
Watched the X-files just now. One of the really old episodes where Scully had serious colour coordination issues with regards to dress sense and where Moulder was still very much in the picture of cases.
Have you ever wondered what makes us attracted to people? More specifically attracted to attractive people. Okay firstly, what -is- attractiveness? Research has found that attractiveness is a social sterotype. That people are more attracted to more symmetrical bodies, bodies with sharper features, fuller lips, firmer breast (does not mean BIGGER TITS and does not include men), more toned bodies, nice smiles and whathaveyous. Unfortunately, this also means people at the lower chain of the "good-looking scale" stand shit chance of getting attached or being attractive, apes like myself. I guess it's an upbringing feedback. (does not mean my parents look like apes) It's like we see ourselves as our surroundings. The people we mix with tend to be the prototype of the kind of people we would find ourselves more attracted and attached to. It's a psyc-social mentality which generations of humans have been brain-washed to accept. Of course it's said that this was so because our neanderthal cousins needed to reproduce (who didn't) and there was the "i'm the best and the rest of you are turds" kinda nonsense. So yea, you have one spastic reason there. I said spastic cause if you think about it, it means we all come from one single "I rule you all motherfuckers" neanderthal wanker? Disgusting isn't it. And if this is the case then all in the known animal kingdom utilizes the same Darwinian "I is winner, you is cocksucker" theory. -sigh- And if i give serious thought to the Darwinian bullshit , that means I'm related to Tim, who's related to Fazil, who's related to my mum, who's related to his mum who's propbably related to Tim's mum who's probably related to George's Bush's mum who's probably related to Osama Bin Laden's mum who's probably related to Fahy's mum who's most likely related to Saddam's mum who's probably related to the smelly fat fucker I sat next to in lecture today. In sum I'm also related to the smelly fat fucker. Man this -is- getting depressing.
So much for evolution.
Posted by
14 September, 2004
"Has our conscience shown?
Has the sweet breeze blown?
Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on
I drink myself of newfound pity
Sitting alone in New York City
And I don't know why
Are we listening
To hymns of offering?
Have we eyes to see
That love is gathering?
All the words that I've been reading
Have now started the act of bleeding
Into one...into one..."
To the people who did not ask to die but did because of humanity's selfish reasons. The reasons will never be justified. To the children who have to suffer the plight of their elders. Your sadness can never be understood fully but your amazing strength salvages your future. It gives hope to yourselves and those alike. To God who suffered for His people and still watches His people suffer. Your faithfulness we will never comprehend but faithful we shall stay.
May the souls of all departed rest in peace.
Posted by
13 September, 2004
A pastor has changed the name of his chapel because too many "depraved" minds were finding something funny in it being called Little Dicker..
Fed up with an increasing number of visitors turning up to have their pictures taken outside the East Sussex baptist chapel - usually defacing the sign to obliterate the "er" - Pastor Terry Brinkley has decided to rename it the Golden Cross Chapel.
There have been so many jokers arriving recently that their vehicles have clogged the narrow lanes around the hamlet of Golden Cross, a few miles north of Hailsham.
To add to the pastor's troubles explicit pictures of men in a variety of poses by the chapel sign have been winging around the internet and between camera mobile telephones. Not that such problems are new to the area. The nearby village of Fulking has had to live with similar difficulties for years while the signs on the River Uck a few miles away have had to be redesigned to stop extra letters being written in.
Mr Brinkley, who announced the name change in the parish magazine, said: "We thought it better to change the sign's wording to 'Golden Cross Chapel' in order to reduce the incidents of both private and commercial vehicles visiting the site to take lewd photographs."
The chapel, which opened in 1813, was originally known as Dicker Independent Chapel but, in 1838, a much bigger chapel was built two miles away at Lower Dicker.
The original one at Golden Cross then became known as Little Dicker Chapel.
One resident said: "It is playground humour, but it always brought a smile to my face as I drove past."
Posted by
09 September, 2004
Let me in to see you in the morning light
To get me on and all along the tears they come
See all come, I want you to believe in life
But I get the strangest feeling that you've gone away
And when you find out who you are its too late to change
I wish I could be everylittle thing you wanted, all the time
Oh, I wish I could be everylittle thing you wanted, all the time, sometimes
I wish i could be..
Posted by
06 September, 2004
Had to turn and lay down
You’re the sting of disease
Phase you out should've seen this coming
Go on confusing this soul
Hold my breath til you rupture - Chevelle
Sleepy. But can't sleep.
Insomia -kicked- in.
Fucked really.
The week's been really hectic. Assignments are piling up and smelling worse than shit. Exams are slapping me in the face faster than I can say, "Booger."
Weather's pretty unpredictable. The sky pisses when it wants to. And heavily too. Smelled like marinated lamb at a friend's party yesterday. Felt sick after and spewed into the shithole.
I just can't wait for this week to begin.
Listening to atmosphere by joy division.
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