Ah yes fridays. How lovely.
Especially when you sleep till 6pm.
Yes I -AM- a pig.
Then again with my recent Insomia I really needed my sleep.
Counting sheep doesn't help. Honest. And no, I missed my driving test.
Monday I guess. Hopefully.
Listening to goo goo dolls - Name.
Have you ever wondered how friends work? I do.
All the time.
Especially more so now since I'm in Brisbane.
The people, well more specifically Singaporeans here are really superficial.
It's like they say "hi" and shit but backstab you the moment they get the chance.
Real friends are hard to come by.
And I really love my friends. Tim, Fuz and Sal. They've really added colour to my life and they're really the ones that have lifted me from my down and out periods. They have always been a listening ear to all my problems, mostly girl issues - rolls eyes- "shut up boon" and they've really been the wings that have allowed me to be on my two feet. Many times they have been my outward expression of my inner cries. They would express what I never could and constantly smack sense into me. They would take me out on late night supper escapades and grow fat with me. They have been the catalyst for me to grow up.
I would take a bullet for either of them.
Without question.
"Baby's black balloon makes her fly
I almost fell into that hole in your life
And you're not thinking about tomorrow
'Cause you were the same as me
But on your knees"
28 August, 2004
26 August, 2004
The HivesSmashingPumpkinsGoogoodollsWeezerJimmyEatWorld
Ah yes, the people in my life. Ain't that sweet?
Oh on the way home I saw this sign board which was originally suppose to
read "Refuge Island".
You see, someone added an extra e at the end.
I just smiled to myself.
Posted by
25 August, 2004
How does one cast inner demons aside?
The things that throw you over when you least expect them.
How do we take our frailties and make them our strengths?
I don't know.
How and why does God bless a person even if the person is sinful?
There are somethings that I just can't comprehend.
But I wish I did.
Assignments are piling up, stress is setting in.
I'm enjoying Uni life.
Need to reduce caffeine intake.
Feeding my depression.
Scars are souvenirs you never lose
The past is never far
Did you lose yourself somewhere out there
Did you get to be a star
And don't it make you sad to know that life
Is more than who we are
Posted by
24 August, 2004
Listening to Chevelle - send the pain below.
It's close to 4am over here.
Biological Psychology is a bitch.
Watched a video on the dissection of the human brain today.
In my honest opinion, after removing the cortex and the outer layers of the respective lobes, the brain looks like badly eaten chicken breast.
Wondering if Celine's alright. The term "starting a new life" seems appropriate for her. I hope she adapts better than me. Missing her is like hemophilla. It just won't stop.
Listening to Powderfinger - Sunsets
It's Carol's birthday today. She's 25, married to a blob with no kids. She's young, sexy, smart, narcissistic, eats a lot and horny. Yep, life sure is beautiful. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEOW MEOW!
And to faye, cheer up. Life can't be as bad as the guy who got hit by a bus at the zebra crossing while picking his nose. I wonder if he felt his brains...
Listening to Veruca Salt - Shimmer like a girl.
Posted by
23 August, 2004
I miss you Celine.
God Bless and be safe.
A family is waiting for you to return home.
Love you heaps.
Posted by
21 August, 2004
It's a shame you
have a mind of your own now
Shame on you,completely setting the tone now.
I caught you,bleeding under my skin now
I fought you, but you're beginning to win now
Well I don't care,
I swear it's my turn now
Shimmer, shimmer like a girl should, yeah you gotta get in glimmer, shimmersparkle while you can
WMhahah Veruca Salt Kicks ass...
Posted by
20 August, 2004
18 August, 2004
my pain. enunciated through dissatisfaction of my heart. an eviron that holds me captive in my mind. the angst that isolates me from the world. becomes copious tears that stain my hands. inadequate understanding of death. words for winds that carry my thoughts but returning no comfort.
i miss you grandpa. i wish i was at your side before you left. i'm sorry.
i really miss you.
Posted by
14 August, 2004
Sand between my toes.
Cool winds across my face.
And a Thai guy sitting next to me whilst trying to teach the Christian community to sing in well, Thai. (results in total failure of course)
Michael Moore has been catching my attention these days. His acclaimed documentary Bowling For columbine was ruthless at scrutinizing the U.S and their second amendment (that all men are allowed to possess arms). T'was like there was a disease running wild in the States. 11,000+ deaths per year by gun. There was a question as to whether the media over played violence on T.V or was it that people in the U.S just had a compulsive urge to be full of angst and go, "Hey, I don't like your face. I think I'm gonna alter it with my Tac 9 Semi Automatic gun. (which is not used for game hunting by the way)." He pointed out that Countries like Germany/Great Britain/Japan etc have well known histories of atrocities against humans but their current day number of deaths by arms are less than 1000 each year (and this is assuming the worse). In Japan only 65 and in Germany 138. In Canada where guns are a popular hobby, the death rates only amount to 68 per year. So what the fuck is wrong with the people in the U.S? Maybe they should stop selling ammunition over the counter in K-Mart. I have no clue. Maybe they need to wank more.
Celine's leaving for Canada soon. In urm about 9 days yea? Reality hits you fast doesn't it? Am already missing our weekly fellowships and mini praise and worships at Aunty Nancy's house. One less eating partner for me when I get back in December. -SADNESS- Thanks for the friendship that you've given to me these past few months. You're constantly in my prayers and like I said, you've been one heck of a role model when it comes to believing in God and listening and trusting in Him. Keep up the faith in Him for He is always with you okay...even when you're stuffing your face with all that unhealthy oily fattening but hell-of-good-tasting food. -bweam- Oh by the way, people don't usually lock their doors in Canada. It's a culture thingy. -shrugs- Just thought you might wanna know.
Sand in between my toes.
Cool winds across my face.
I need a coffee.
Posted by
11 August, 2004
What is life?
The Philosopher: "I think therefore I am"
The Scientist: "Evolution."
The Arts Student: "You want fries to go with that?"
Posted by
05 August, 2004
"I can love the whole of you.
The poetry I stole from you
And hide inside my stomach
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
It’s easy to get lost in you
And fall asleep inside of you
I want to return to you
A reason to be here
A reason to be here
No, I don’t know what you want
As you don’t know
So what’s the point of asking"
Was sitting at the balcony today looking at the stars and sipping my coffee and there was I propelled into my sense of loneliness again. That nonchalant feeling that I thought would never ever come again pervaded through me, through my sweater. Cold winds traced the contours of my face and echoed my silence. My emptiness. I closed my eyes and thought of home and friends. And I smiled to myself. That loneliness died for a second. And like a thief, it stole my smile and carried it off with the midnight winds. A touch is missed.
Anyway...I learned about female genital mutilation and orgasm in Uni today.
How sweet is that? -blink-
Posted by
"I can love the whole of you.
The poetry I stole from you
And hide inside my stomach
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
It’s easy to get lost in you
And fall asleep inside of you
I want to return to you
A reason to be here
A reason to be here
No, I don’t know what you want
As you don’t know
So what’s the point of asking"
I was sitting at the balcony. Sipping my coffee and watching the stars. And something felt amiss. That nonchalant feeling of loneliness that pervaded through my skin and into my very heart beat. My friends, my family..what could it be? -shrugs- My sweater isn't keeping me warm. There is a coldness other than the icy winds that blow along the contours of my face. A touch is missed.
That aside, I learned about female genital mutilation and orgasms in Uni today. How fucking cool is that?
Posted by
03 August, 2004
The weather is shit cold.
I've got a cold.
That makes my cold a fucking cold cold.
And I'm coughing.
Welcome back to Aussie.
Miss you all heaps.
Posted by
02 August, 2004
Cold it is.
Yes indeed.
But the feet is kept warm by blue bed room slippers. -smile-
Home is missed indeed but I'm sure everythin's alright at home.
Posted by
01 August, 2004
Ah yes. Good old Brisbane.
I'm back.
-cough- And I'm quite sleepy.
Home is missed.
Posted by