Wondering thoughts
That are written by obedient fingers
That refuse to be spoken
But on the tip of my tongue
A wondering voice
That is unspoken
Replaced by a myriad of words
The silence is
Eyes closed inwardly
A simple reflection of a verse
Something spontaneous
Nothing rehearsed
30 March, 2004
22 March, 2004
Utterly bored.
School's fulla readings and readings.
Sometimes I wonder if I really am absorbing the stuff I read.
Where does it go?
What the hell does memory look like?
How much can one memorize or understand?
So many times...
I'm deterred..
Because I'm taking psychology..
People have a funny impression of me..
Like I'm some mad loser whos not gonna make enough money..
Well mayeb I'm not gonna make loads of money
but who gives a shit...
Life stinks.
Posted by
21 March, 2004
18 March, 2004
To my dear friend, simply called D. My promise is kept.
"in the event of mercy, the oocyte finds itself enthralled. the prospect of (tendril around vilborthite) umbones (et id genus omne) : the task of taking off, a chorion cardigan, a womb frayed. in the event that optical compaloos are found clipping the peripheral beams, the edges of a story can drown. within the gaum of ‘before’ : an empery clothed in slow harvest, craves a gnomon. often finding her memory chewy, she places herself in the third person. a joint can not articulate sans ulna: from the wrest comes wrist et cetera desunt. the pancake minions, the loss of contrast and the dimming of the oils create this drowning: linear is so like. what is it to share a spoon and undo the milliene ootid’s shags. what is it to therefore." - adapted from part II of Exuviae. Penned by Divya Victor.
Good luck for your paper later on D!
Posted by
I just got home from school.
Honestly I think I'm like one tone darker.
The sun's really bad over here.
It's supposed to be autmn now but...-sizzles-
By God's grace I manage to go for mass today.
It was really good cause I think I really needed Him in my life again
Nearly went back to my Sunday Catholic Status.
God saves. -smiles-
Met a couple of people there. Really really friendly.
I guess I'll finally have a social life now! yay! MWhaha.
I never realised this before..
But somewhere along the pathway which I take to and fro from school
Written somewhere is the verse from Romans (8:1-17)
Even after being here for some months now
And even after using the same route day in and out
I somehow never caught sight of it...
Till today..
Maybe it was God's way in telling me to be more observable...
Or to live my life, as "Life in the Spirit"
Whichever way it is, I'm sure God will guide me with His Spirit.
Amen to that.
Posted by
11 March, 2004
I is had a test today.
I is surprised.
I is gave Tutor a perplexed looked.
I is got 9 out of 10 for my test.
Maybe I should start giving more perplexed looks.
Posted by
07 March, 2004
Headed down to Noosa beach today!
Had lotsa sun, some wind, lotsa sand, lotsa waves and some tits.
And here was I whining about why I never wanted to swim in aussie's oceans.
Sharks, Jellyfish etc etc.
But man.
Today I rode 4 feet waves! Hooya!
It was like I was hynotised and drawn towards the sea.
I Just hung loose with my housemates and rode them waves.
With our bodies of course.
And that spurred us to get body boards!
And that's just what we're gonna do next!
Can't wait to head down to Noosa Beach again though it's a 2 hour drive.
It hell sure is worth it!
On the drive back, the moon came out. As did the stars.
And it just lit up the black sky. And I smiled to myself.
Because it reminded me of home
It reminded me of family.
It reminded me of friends.(Tim and Fuz and yes partially that dickhead)
And it reminded me of the girl that I miss so dearly. Faye.
It reminded me of God and how beautiful He can be.
As I always say. Trust in Him and nothng else matters.
Peace ya'll.
Posted by
Sometimes you wonder how God works in your life.
You sit back and think,'Man life stinks.'
But often do we foget that He has done great wonders for us.
Like the Bible says He is in every life that breathes.
Conversly, everything that breathes lives within Him.
We just have to trust. And have faith.
Faith. Something many people who don't believe tend to question us using Science.
First of all, Sience has such a thing as the falsifiability Principle. And that it is self correcting.
Religion does not.
Had a black out yesterday and for most of the day.
Thunderstorm was the culprit. It's really amazing how strong
these winds can be in Aussie. Strong enough to uproot a tree! And not just any tree..a HUGE one.
And yea, cause of that, spent the whole of last night in darkness and most of today
powerless...untill..untill i decided to shower. -blink-
Yea. I lit a candle in the toliet and while showering halfway
(with cold water mind you cause the heater couldn't work without power)
the power came back on! mWhahaha. I never thought I'd be so happy so see my bathroom so
bright again! -griN-
Posted by
02 March, 2004
"As I closed my eyes to dream away
I heard His voice telling me
That it was all going to be okay
So I closed them and dreamt away
Knowing that In His time
No one will ever stray"
I got my transfer.
I'm offically BA (psychology)
Praise the Lord.
Amen to that i say.
Posted by
01 March, 2004
And I'm inclined to think I'm not cut out for Uni.
So help me God.
Posted by