I have found the love of my life.
1 Cor 13.
Nothing else is greater than He.
23 February, 2004
14 February, 2004
Hey ho. Ho hum. Howdy.
It's 3am.
And as usual. I'm not in bed.
I met her again today.
The third time.
This time I was late! -laughs-
Well, I mean com'on!
I assumed she would have been late that's why I left my house later than I should have.
"I'm sorry"
Hung around Plaza Singapura for a while cause she wanted to pass something to her friend.
Apparently she and some of her friends have this "Fairy Club" going on.
And so technically, I met another of her fellow fairy err friend. -sneezes from fairy dust-
Headed down to Fish 'n' Co at err the glasshouse? Is it called the glasshouse? Is it?
Had a really funky dinner. (in a sense) Had loads of fun.
Even more when she massacred the fish she ordered. MASSACRED I SAY!!!!
-laughs- Poor fish.
After dinner (and after being so undecided of what to do then) we headed back to her place.
Walked around her area for quite a bit and ended up chilling for most of the end at this play ground.
Both of us squeezed (amazingly!) into this make shift compartment and talked a bit.
It was there that she melted my heart.
She sang. Yea. She sang. Oh God. She's really gifted.
It was like I was just hypnotised. LIKE HYPNOTISED!!!!!!
Oh well.
I think she's really something. None could ask for more. Really.
Yea that was about it. I really am looking forward to seeing her, again and again and again...
As long as she stops trying to push me down the escalator.
Till then miss blubber Faye, I hope you stop having weird dreams.
Watched Boat Trip with the boys.
It's really really hilarious.
Too bad the government decided to ban it here
Brings a new perception of gays.
Really. If you have the chance. Do catch it.
You will not be disappointed.
And now.
It's time to urm. sleep?
Ha! Probably not.
Posted by
09 February, 2004
In the absence of fruitful/interesting/mind captivating/alluring/ posts.
I shall blabber nonsense. (not like i make any sense normally anyway)
Today's Sunday; That's the seventh day of the week. (well technically)
It's about three more weeks till I fly back to Aussie.
Back. Should I say back? Sounds like i'm going back home.
But, it's not really home. Well, at least not home in it's conventional sense.
I'll be doing 10 units this semester. That's five subjects. In 4 months or less.
Five brand new subjects that I've never done in my entire academic life.
We'll see where my clueless brain takes me.
A week till I take on my journey to know God better.
Sabah. A whole week of prayer. I hope. Somehow.
God will show me the way. And lighten my burden.
For God never said that there will not be burdens.
Just how much. And how you handle them.
Seen her twice. Thus far.
And yet each time. She captivates me.
Like the way each time she's late. -rolls eyes-
This time it was rather more serious, the talk.
She actually opened up to me a little. It's really comforting to know.
That she trusts me. That she's comfortable with speaking to me.
She's really troubled. And my prayers are for her as well.
Her fingers still hurt from our last frolicking. -laughs-
But her brown eyes are still as flawless as ever.
She'll be somebody great one day. Just you wait.
-And no, you have to beg me to tell you the dream-
I really am going to miss Singapore.
Posted by
05 February, 2004
It has come to my attention that Singapore kids are getting more stupid.
It's sad to see society come down to such a level.
Of all people he had to pick to bully. He picked my brother.
Yes. A nit wit picked a fight with my brother in school yesterday.
He stole his food, accused him of "touching his friend (who's a guy mind you) and started beating him.
What's worse. When my brother beat the shit out of him.
The guy threatened him, "you watch out, tomorrow I call my gang to beat you" -laughs-
Alas. Today came. At the end of it. With Tim, Fuz, Kef and me.
The guy nearly pissed in his pants.
He wasn't that tough afterall.
His friends nearly got whacked by tim fuz and me.
His pai kia friends, well, let's just say they won't be finding trouble with my younger brother anymore.
Past few days have been really busy.
Apart from the ah beng story.
I had muscle ache for like 3 days cause I played touch rugby for the first time in er..six months.
And I over strained!!! (But okay la, it fucking feels good to work out after so long)
No more walking like I have huge balls anymore!
Went to catch Lost In Translation with the boys recently.
Nice show. Sweet loving and heart warming.
About two people who are frustrated with life.
And they meet. And they try so hard not to fall in love.
Because they know they have to bear the consequences of their actions.
Odd? I think not. I loved it.
A friend of mine. One whom I hold in high esteem said something that really hurt me today.
Second time in a week she has said something like that.
It never occured to me that someone like her could say something like that.
Maybe I was being too sensitive about it. Maybe. But I don't think I deserved something like that.
I wasn't lecturing her. I was giving her sound advice (whether she took it or not was something else altogether) as a friend.
A friend who cared about her so much. As a friend who loves her.
But I guess she has a reasons right? Right?
After all, I don't live in the real world.
Posted by
01 February, 2004
What a hectic Saturday it's been.
Woke up at 745am for a Wedding Ceremony.
(And that's after like sleeping for barely 6 hours in the last three days)
Went down to Thomson after but only played awhile before heading down
For touch rugby. Yes touch rugby.
My first game in Singapore after so long.
A couple of foul ups.
A few smackings (touches) at the wrong places.
And a slap (touch) on some girl's face..and then the boob.
Two painfully cramped up legs.
It's time to get into shape again. (-pukes-)
Had a quick catch up with Za, Bli, Louise and two other guys from Arts 3.
T'was good to see them after so long.
We've all grown up. And changed.
Cept for Zarina's hysterical laughter that used to get us kicked out of StartBucks in the past.
Oh well. All's good.
At night it was Wedding dinner time.
Food was alright but the reception was just lovely.
The newly wed couple had so much to offer to each other.
The bridegroom even sang the bride a song.
And danced with her. And told her, "I love you." so faithfully. So sincerely.
And i just teared. Teared from the fact that I just lost love a few months back.
That I had envisioned myself with her. The fact that I really felt so unloved.
Unloved in a particular sense. Not God's love or family love. Just simply, love.
The fact that she is saying i love you to someone else instead of me.
And i cried.
Met the boys after. Fuz drove Sal's car picked me up.
HEaded down to Newton Hawker for food.
Angela was hungry.
And boy did they (she) eat.
LIKE EAT!!! -laughs-
Oh, happened to see Gill.
Still looks the same after all these years.
Didn't say Hi to her cause she was with someone.
(Her new boyfriend presumably)
Aight. Time to hit the bed.
See ya all.
God Bless.
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