met a vindictive little bitch today (no, not you vel).
more like my sister. apparently we were playing and suddenly she scratched me really hard. my skin peeled off and there was blood. my parents saw it and my sis realised this and immediately put on the ohididitbyaccident look. she was like, " sorry sorry sorry."in reply i said "yea, sorry this" and smacked her on the head. damn 11 year old kid. of all sperms she had to been the one.
anyhow, the number of victims of the Tsunami disaster stands at 117, 000 people. About 1/3 of this number are children. and if you think about it carefully, if sumatra wasn't in the path of the tsunami, good old singapore would have been sunked. yes ladies and gentlemen, we would have gotten our sunny island's ass kicked so hard the word ass-fuck would have a new meaning.
it's funny how people never really remember or care about how many poor people there are or how many children die from starvation or malnutrition each day in asia. i bet some european countries didn't give a fuck about the poor in south asia untill now. what a tragic it is to see then that these south asians have been given so much attention now that such a thing has happened. yet the responses from these "super power" countries are a dismay. with countries like America JUST increasing their aid fund to $32 million and those french fucks donating how much? a WHOOPING $130, 000, like omg, if you can't stand being magnanimous DON'T. south asia does not need pretentious pity. we need generous donations cause while you fuckwits are living those elite stuck up i have it all kinda lives, there are many in this region who need help.
a lot of help.
"I remember how you left the morning at daybreak.
so silent you stole from my bed
to go back to the one who possesses your soul
and i back to the life that i dread
so i ran like the wind to the water
please don't leave me again i cried
and i threw bitter tears in the ocean
but all that came back was the tide." I will not forget you - Sara Mclachlan
God have pity on us.
31 December, 2004
30 December, 2004
Phantom of the Opera.
what a fucking waste of money.
`Nuff said.
vel and i grew fatter today. -shakes head-
and i made her cry again. -blink blink-
*V's watching gilmore girls now* AN EATING...again -laughs-
apparently she wants to read something more than about her growing fatter. -bleah-
before the growing fatter story, we actually couldn't decide where to go and ended up asking a cab driver where's a good place to makan. uncle was so nice..he drove us to sembawang and dammit...-vel really can't make up her mind sometimes-. we walked to and fro between 2 coffee shops because the she saw a corner coffee shop and to try it out because there were more chinese gluttons there..but then she decided that the predominatly malay(s) glutton(s) coffee shop was nicer because it played good music and didn't look sleazy. -ROLLS EYES-
she really is like a broken lawn mower eHz? WMahhaha. ^^
and i told her a secret today. my secret. -bleah- don't ask.
"in pitch dark i go walking in your landscape.
broken branches trip me as i speak.
just coz you feel it doesnt mean its there.
just coz you feel it doesnt mean its there" there there - radiohead
Posted by
29 December, 2004
electrico - runaway
some didn't run fast enough, some were caught by surprise and many drowned.
many have said that it's a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. -shrugs-
it's just so frustrating for these people who have lost their homes, their loved-ones, their spirit and strength to carry on. and it's gonna be the new year soon.
the death toll just keeps going up and up and within 48 hours 60,000 people have been affected. people have perished. many of whom are children. where is God? -sighs-
let's hope that countries start contributing more. those damned americians only contributed 15 million to the the disaster. that's seriously shit compared to the amount they use to fund their stupid national sercurity omgkillallterroristmakethehomeless bullshit. come'on bush, trim those pubes of yours and see the light already.
anyhow, my toe is swollen. some stupid ant bit me at sentosa yesterday and now it's all itchy and scratchy. looks like a laup chiong actually. -yum yum- my idiot of a brother says that he hopes the doctors have to amputate my toe. -rolls eyes- so much for brotherly love.
Sweater song - Weezer
solo for this song absolutely rocks. sounds like masturbation on an electric guitar. -sexy-
boon teck's out drinking at a pub. well, he was. his com crashed and he was desperately looking for a window's XP installation disk. on the way he met an old friend and decided to have a drink with him. did i mention his friend's homosexual? ^^ i wonder if boon teck's gonna be drunk and driven home. -ponders-
the things i'd do for friends - short of fucking a dog or any other animal for that matter.
spoke to v last night. she was kinda moody after her dinner date with m. -pat- somehow the whole conversation became nostalgic with a sprinkle of sadness all over. as always she refused to sleep even though she was obviously tired and started talking rubbish at one point of our conversation. tsk. and so...i sang er ba ba black sheep and london bridge is falling down for her. (she requested la!) miraculously she fell asleep shortly after. -bleah- she can be such a pampered little bitch sometimes eHz. -shakes head- it was immensely funny though.
and whatever you did v. wasn't your fault. and don't regret. -pat- silly girl you.
"This time i'm on my own
Minutes from somewhere else
Somewhere I made a wish
On lucky Denver mint" - Jimmy Eat World
Posted by
28 December, 2004
I'm all red. my cheeks are red. my nose is red.
headed down to the beach with my bro and tim and afewofthelads today.
swam and sun baked for a good 3 hours. -blink-
went home around 7pm. had some clam chowder soup for dinner.
waited and waited actually.
was waiting for vel to call me or text me from her dinner date but she didn't do so untill 1am++
so i ended up watching kung fu hustle at 12.05am.
heh. vel must have had fun.
i'm home now. with mixed thoughts.
the show was crap by the way.
"I don't feel the way I ever felt. I know.
I'm gonna smile and not get worried.
I try but it shows." - Pain by Jimmy Eat World
Posted by
27 December, 2004
And what did Santa bring to Asia?
A whooping 8.9 scale earthquake. The largest the world has ever recorded in the last 40 years.
And with tsunamis reaching 80 ft, i'd say people got more than they wished for.
God rest their souls.
been chatting with Vel quite a bit these days. well actually more like in the mornings. somehow we've both got this strange habit to sleep at uber fucked up hours. watched meet the fockers with her last night and had quite a good chat at Coffee Club. alamak i made her cry. =p don't cry girl, you look terrible when you do. -blink blink-
it was Sal's birthday yesterday too. she's finally 21. happy birthday sally. -bite- don't upgrade to cigars please. it won't do your health any good. and girl, the sting ray wasn't as good as the last time we ate it la!
Posted by
23 December, 2004
And i thought genital mutilation was bad. Self mutilation is much worse, especially the way it was portrayed in the french movie "In My Skin". I guess the way it was filmed was really good but the whole story just didn't connect properly. Somehow somewhere meaning was lost and the passion of self mutilation was nowhere to be found. maybe vel and i missed out somewhere.
Vel's a really really funny girl. her intrinsic ability to make me laugh really amuses me. she's got wicked wit and the ability to repeat things over and over again. sweet ass. dawned in her sleeveless top and conservertive skirt she packs a laughter that is contagious and sarcasm which makes me look like ah boy. and she's narcissistic as well. what more of a friend can i ask for?
daf was rather moody today. and i guess i apologise for asking her out last minute. probably won't do that again. i guess people are different and i've come to accept that fact. it makes the word beautiful and interesting perhaps. perhaps.
Posted by
18 December, 2004
Blisters 101.
Try RollerBlading for 5 hours.
In the rain.
On sand.
And getting beaten by a damn twig. >.<
On hind sight i had fun!
And a whole load of aching.
Posted by
05 December, 2004
I'm back in Singapore land.
The land of the kiasu. The land of the really.
Been back for a few days now.
i'm on 2 months break.
sweet eHz?
*anyone wanna date me?* -blink blink-
What to do what to do?
I'm free....
Gotta enjoy..
but i'm already getting bored.
on top of that..well..
issues. BIG ones.
Posted by
26 November, 2004
22 November, 2004
"Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades,
waking up next to nothing,
after dreaming of you and me
I'm waking up all alone, waking up so relieved
While you're taking your time with apologies,
I'm making my plans for revenge.
Red eyes on orange horizons
If Columbus was wrong I'd drive straight off the edge.
I'd drive straight off the edge.
I've got a big fat fuckin' bone to pick with you my darling.
In case you haven't heard I'm sick and tired of trying.
I wish you would take my radio to bathe with you,
plugged in and ready to fall."
Posted by
17 November, 2004
"Looking for a ride to your secret location
Where the kids are setting up a free-speed nation, for you Got a foghorn and a drum and a hammer that's rockin'
And a cord and a pedal and a lock, that'll do me for now
It better work out I hope it works out my way '
Cause it's getting kind of quiet in my city's head
Takes a teen age riot to get me out of bed right now"
Posted by
15 November, 2004
One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away:
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.
Vain man, said she, that dost in vain assay
A mortal thing so to immortalize!
For I myself shall like to this decay,
And eek my name be wiped out likewise.
Not so (quoth I), let baser things devise
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame:
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
And in the heavens write your glorious name;
Where, whenas death shall all the world subdue,
Our love shall live, and later life renew.
Posted by
11 November, 2004
3 shit papers down.
2 crap ones to go.
go me go..
currently shaking to "Unmade Bed " by Sonic Youth.
Posted by
05 November, 2004
down and out.
gastric is killing me. and i've been having a fever for the past two days. major headache. what else can go wrong really?
exam starts monday. i hope i recover by then.
"You withdrew from us so slowly.
We hardly noticed until I felta new and lonely chill
that would not yield to the fire"
Posted by
29 October, 2004
Meh. Exam blues.
-shakes head-
Miss you all heaps.
A shout to Tim whose birthday just passed, to angel whose birthday just passed also and to Fuz whose birthday is today. And to Daf who's birthday is tomorrow.
Posted by
15 October, 2004
Hello boys and girls, cock-suckers and cunt-fuckers, it's been a while eHz?
Ah yes the lovely inhalation of University fumes; all assignments done and now waiting to get bitch-slapped by Exams that unfortufuckingnately start in 3 weeks time. -rejoices-
Currently CS (Counter-Striking) not [Cock Sucking] for an Aussie clan that disbanded but is now newly reformed. -teamInfused-. Was ranked 13th in the whole of Australia on the G.A ladder (Game Arena). The ex leader invited me. And now i'm theirs, apparently.
Past two Clan matches were great. Beat d'r 13-5, and today M.U took a trashing from us in dust 2 with a 13-0 ass-fucking session. We analed them hard.
Lim Bei has been commended. Good reaction. Accurate. AWP God. -blink-
The whole team says so.
Line up is as follows: J a d a, exile, sleepR, willsup and Cheryl^ (me).
teamInfused ' Cheryl^
Posted by
05 October, 2004
17 September, 2004
15 September, 2004
I'm actually tired.
I guess that's a good thing considering the fact that I haven't been able to sleep like since..forever?
One major assignment to hand up and I'm done.
That's just sweet. Time for that mid semester break that I've been look forward to.
Of course...i have the 4 assignments to hand in AFTER the break so it isn't really much of a bloody break. -rolls eyes- Was suppose to head down to Tasmania for the hols but that's been scrapped. Other plans await.
-blink blink-
Nothing much today, just 4 gnawing hours of stats to cripple my brain..or what's left of it. -Duh what?-
Watched the X-files just now. One of the really old episodes where Scully had serious colour coordination issues with regards to dress sense and where Moulder was still very much in the picture of cases.
Have you ever wondered what makes us attracted to people? More specifically attracted to attractive people. Okay firstly, what -is- attractiveness? Research has found that attractiveness is a social sterotype. That people are more attracted to more symmetrical bodies, bodies with sharper features, fuller lips, firmer breast (does not mean BIGGER TITS and does not include men), more toned bodies, nice smiles and whathaveyous. Unfortunately, this also means people at the lower chain of the "good-looking scale" stand shit chance of getting attached or being attractive, apes like myself. I guess it's an upbringing feedback. (does not mean my parents look like apes) It's like we see ourselves as our surroundings. The people we mix with tend to be the prototype of the kind of people we would find ourselves more attracted and attached to. It's a psyc-social mentality which generations of humans have been brain-washed to accept. Of course it's said that this was so because our neanderthal cousins needed to reproduce (who didn't) and there was the "i'm the best and the rest of you are turds" kinda nonsense. So yea, you have one spastic reason there. I said spastic cause if you think about it, it means we all come from one single "I rule you all motherfuckers" neanderthal wanker? Disgusting isn't it. And if this is the case then all in the known animal kingdom utilizes the same Darwinian "I is winner, you is cocksucker" theory. -sigh- And if i give serious thought to the Darwinian bullshit , that means I'm related to Tim, who's related to Fazil, who's related to my mum, who's related to his mum who's propbably related to Tim's mum who's probably related to George's Bush's mum who's probably related to Osama Bin Laden's mum who's probably related to Fahy's mum who's most likely related to Saddam's mum who's probably related to the smelly fat fucker I sat next to in lecture today. In sum I'm also related to the smelly fat fucker. Man this -is- getting depressing.
So much for evolution.
Posted by
14 September, 2004
"Has our conscience shown?
Has the sweet breeze blown?
Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on
I drink myself of newfound pity
Sitting alone in New York City
And I don't know why
Are we listening
To hymns of offering?
Have we eyes to see
That love is gathering?
All the words that I've been reading
Have now started the act of bleeding
Into one...into one..."
To the people who did not ask to die but did because of humanity's selfish reasons. The reasons will never be justified. To the children who have to suffer the plight of their elders. Your sadness can never be understood fully but your amazing strength salvages your future. It gives hope to yourselves and those alike. To God who suffered for His people and still watches His people suffer. Your faithfulness we will never comprehend but faithful we shall stay.
May the souls of all departed rest in peace.
Posted by
13 September, 2004
A pastor has changed the name of his chapel because too many "depraved" minds were finding something funny in it being called Little Dicker..
Fed up with an increasing number of visitors turning up to have their pictures taken outside the East Sussex baptist chapel - usually defacing the sign to obliterate the "er" - Pastor Terry Brinkley has decided to rename it the Golden Cross Chapel.
There have been so many jokers arriving recently that their vehicles have clogged the narrow lanes around the hamlet of Golden Cross, a few miles north of Hailsham.
To add to the pastor's troubles explicit pictures of men in a variety of poses by the chapel sign have been winging around the internet and between camera mobile telephones. Not that such problems are new to the area. The nearby village of Fulking has had to live with similar difficulties for years while the signs on the River Uck a few miles away have had to be redesigned to stop extra letters being written in.
Mr Brinkley, who announced the name change in the parish magazine, said: "We thought it better to change the sign's wording to 'Golden Cross Chapel' in order to reduce the incidents of both private and commercial vehicles visiting the site to take lewd photographs."
The chapel, which opened in 1813, was originally known as Dicker Independent Chapel but, in 1838, a much bigger chapel was built two miles away at Lower Dicker.
The original one at Golden Cross then became known as Little Dicker Chapel.
One resident said: "It is playground humour, but it always brought a smile to my face as I drove past."
Posted by
09 September, 2004
Let me in to see you in the morning light
To get me on and all along the tears they come
See all come, I want you to believe in life
But I get the strangest feeling that you've gone away
And when you find out who you are its too late to change
I wish I could be everylittle thing you wanted, all the time
Oh, I wish I could be everylittle thing you wanted, all the time, sometimes
I wish i could be..
Posted by
06 September, 2004
Had to turn and lay down
You’re the sting of disease
Phase you out should've seen this coming
Go on confusing this soul
Hold my breath til you rupture - Chevelle
Sleepy. But can't sleep.
Insomia -kicked- in.
Fucked really.
The week's been really hectic. Assignments are piling up and smelling worse than shit. Exams are slapping me in the face faster than I can say, "Booger."
Weather's pretty unpredictable. The sky pisses when it wants to. And heavily too. Smelled like marinated lamb at a friend's party yesterday. Felt sick after and spewed into the shithole.
I just can't wait for this week to begin.
Listening to atmosphere by joy division.
Posted by
28 August, 2004
Ah yes fridays. How lovely.
Especially when you sleep till 6pm.
Yes I -AM- a pig.
Then again with my recent Insomia I really needed my sleep.
Counting sheep doesn't help. Honest. And no, I missed my driving test.
Monday I guess. Hopefully.
Listening to goo goo dolls - Name.
Have you ever wondered how friends work? I do.
All the time.
Especially more so now since I'm in Brisbane.
The people, well more specifically Singaporeans here are really superficial.
It's like they say "hi" and shit but backstab you the moment they get the chance.
Real friends are hard to come by.
And I really love my friends. Tim, Fuz and Sal. They've really added colour to my life and they're really the ones that have lifted me from my down and out periods. They have always been a listening ear to all my problems, mostly girl issues - rolls eyes- "shut up boon" and they've really been the wings that have allowed me to be on my two feet. Many times they have been my outward expression of my inner cries. They would express what I never could and constantly smack sense into me. They would take me out on late night supper escapades and grow fat with me. They have been the catalyst for me to grow up.
I would take a bullet for either of them.
Without question.
"Baby's black balloon makes her fly
I almost fell into that hole in your life
And you're not thinking about tomorrow
'Cause you were the same as me
But on your knees"
Posted by
26 August, 2004
The HivesSmashingPumpkinsGoogoodollsWeezerJimmyEatWorld
Ah yes, the people in my life. Ain't that sweet?
Oh on the way home I saw this sign board which was originally suppose to
read "Refuge Island".
You see, someone added an extra e at the end.
I just smiled to myself.
Posted by
25 August, 2004
How does one cast inner demons aside?
The things that throw you over when you least expect them.
How do we take our frailties and make them our strengths?
I don't know.
How and why does God bless a person even if the person is sinful?
There are somethings that I just can't comprehend.
But I wish I did.
Assignments are piling up, stress is setting in.
I'm enjoying Uni life.
Need to reduce caffeine intake.
Feeding my depression.
Scars are souvenirs you never lose
The past is never far
Did you lose yourself somewhere out there
Did you get to be a star
And don't it make you sad to know that life
Is more than who we are
Posted by
24 August, 2004
Listening to Chevelle - send the pain below.
It's close to 4am over here.
Biological Psychology is a bitch.
Watched a video on the dissection of the human brain today.
In my honest opinion, after removing the cortex and the outer layers of the respective lobes, the brain looks like badly eaten chicken breast.
Wondering if Celine's alright. The term "starting a new life" seems appropriate for her. I hope she adapts better than me. Missing her is like hemophilla. It just won't stop.
Listening to Powderfinger - Sunsets
It's Carol's birthday today. She's 25, married to a blob with no kids. She's young, sexy, smart, narcissistic, eats a lot and horny. Yep, life sure is beautiful. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEOW MEOW!
And to faye, cheer up. Life can't be as bad as the guy who got hit by a bus at the zebra crossing while picking his nose. I wonder if he felt his brains...
Listening to Veruca Salt - Shimmer like a girl.
Posted by
23 August, 2004
I miss you Celine.
God Bless and be safe.
A family is waiting for you to return home.
Love you heaps.
Posted by
21 August, 2004
It's a shame you
have a mind of your own now
Shame on you,completely setting the tone now.
I caught you,bleeding under my skin now
I fought you, but you're beginning to win now
Well I don't care,
I swear it's my turn now
Shimmer, shimmer like a girl should, yeah you gotta get in glimmer, shimmersparkle while you can
WMhahah Veruca Salt Kicks ass...
Posted by
20 August, 2004
18 August, 2004
my pain. enunciated through dissatisfaction of my heart. an eviron that holds me captive in my mind. the angst that isolates me from the world. becomes copious tears that stain my hands. inadequate understanding of death. words for winds that carry my thoughts but returning no comfort.
i miss you grandpa. i wish i was at your side before you left. i'm sorry.
i really miss you.
Posted by
14 August, 2004
Sand between my toes.
Cool winds across my face.
And a Thai guy sitting next to me whilst trying to teach the Christian community to sing in well, Thai. (results in total failure of course)
Michael Moore has been catching my attention these days. His acclaimed documentary Bowling For columbine was ruthless at scrutinizing the U.S and their second amendment (that all men are allowed to possess arms). T'was like there was a disease running wild in the States. 11,000+ deaths per year by gun. There was a question as to whether the media over played violence on T.V or was it that people in the U.S just had a compulsive urge to be full of angst and go, "Hey, I don't like your face. I think I'm gonna alter it with my Tac 9 Semi Automatic gun. (which is not used for game hunting by the way)." He pointed out that Countries like Germany/Great Britain/Japan etc have well known histories of atrocities against humans but their current day number of deaths by arms are less than 1000 each year (and this is assuming the worse). In Japan only 65 and in Germany 138. In Canada where guns are a popular hobby, the death rates only amount to 68 per year. So what the fuck is wrong with the people in the U.S? Maybe they should stop selling ammunition over the counter in K-Mart. I have no clue. Maybe they need to wank more.
Celine's leaving for Canada soon. In urm about 9 days yea? Reality hits you fast doesn't it? Am already missing our weekly fellowships and mini praise and worships at Aunty Nancy's house. One less eating partner for me when I get back in December. -SADNESS- Thanks for the friendship that you've given to me these past few months. You're constantly in my prayers and like I said, you've been one heck of a role model when it comes to believing in God and listening and trusting in Him. Keep up the faith in Him for He is always with you okay...even when you're stuffing your face with all that unhealthy oily fattening but hell-of-good-tasting food. -bweam- Oh by the way, people don't usually lock their doors in Canada. It's a culture thingy. -shrugs- Just thought you might wanna know.
Sand in between my toes.
Cool winds across my face.
I need a coffee.
Posted by
11 August, 2004
What is life?
The Philosopher: "I think therefore I am"
The Scientist: "Evolution."
The Arts Student: "You want fries to go with that?"
Posted by
05 August, 2004
"I can love the whole of you.
The poetry I stole from you
And hide inside my stomach
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
It’s easy to get lost in you
And fall asleep inside of you
I want to return to you
A reason to be here
A reason to be here
No, I don’t know what you want
As you don’t know
So what’s the point of asking"
Was sitting at the balcony today looking at the stars and sipping my coffee and there was I propelled into my sense of loneliness again. That nonchalant feeling that I thought would never ever come again pervaded through me, through my sweater. Cold winds traced the contours of my face and echoed my silence. My emptiness. I closed my eyes and thought of home and friends. And I smiled to myself. That loneliness died for a second. And like a thief, it stole my smile and carried it off with the midnight winds. A touch is missed.
Anyway...I learned about female genital mutilation and orgasm in Uni today.
How sweet is that? -blink-
Posted by
"I can love the whole of you.
The poetry I stole from you
And hide inside my stomach
You’re almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
It’s easy to get lost in you
And fall asleep inside of you
I want to return to you
A reason to be here
A reason to be here
No, I don’t know what you want
As you don’t know
So what’s the point of asking"
I was sitting at the balcony. Sipping my coffee and watching the stars. And something felt amiss. That nonchalant feeling of loneliness that pervaded through my skin and into my very heart beat. My friends, my family..what could it be? -shrugs- My sweater isn't keeping me warm. There is a coldness other than the icy winds that blow along the contours of my face. A touch is missed.
That aside, I learned about female genital mutilation and orgasms in Uni today. How fucking cool is that?
Posted by
03 August, 2004
The weather is shit cold.
I've got a cold.
That makes my cold a fucking cold cold.
And I'm coughing.
Welcome back to Aussie.
Miss you all heaps.
Posted by
02 August, 2004
Cold it is.
Yes indeed.
But the feet is kept warm by blue bed room slippers. -smile-
Home is missed indeed but I'm sure everythin's alright at home.
Posted by
01 August, 2004
Ah yes. Good old Brisbane.
I'm back.
-cough- And I'm quite sleepy.
Home is missed.
Posted by
23 July, 2004
Take my photo off the wall if it just won't sing for you,'Cause all that's left has gone away and there's nothing there for you to prove. Oh, look what you've done, you've made a fool of everyone,Oh well, it seemed like such fun until you lose what you had won.
Sexy song ain't it? Simple and sweet. Depressing no doubt but straight to the point.
Got a week more to burn in Singapore.
Anyone want me?
Posted by
20 July, 2004
"The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain "
Oh Lord let me draw strength from thee.
Let me not falter under human frailty.
Posted by
18 July, 2004
Last time I talked to you
You were lonely and out of place
You were looking down on me
Lost out in space
We laid underneath the stars
Strung out and feeling brave
I watched the red orange glow
I watched you float away
Down here in the atmosphere
Garbage and city lights
You've gone to save your tired soul
You've gone to save our lives
I turned on the radio
To find you on satellite
I'm waiting for this sky to fall
I'm waiting for a sign
And all we are
Is all so far
You're falling back to me
The star that I can see, yeah
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
You're falling out of reach
Defying gravity, yeah
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
Hope you remember me
when you're homesick and need a change
I miss your purple hair
I miss the way you taste
I know you'll come back someday
On a bed of nails I'll wait
I'm praying that you don't burn out
Or fade away
And all we are
Is all so far
You're falling back to me
The star that I can see, yeah
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there
You're falling out of reach
Defying gravity, yeah
I know you're out there
Somewhere out there....
Posted by
15 July, 2004
How's it going to be, When you don't know me,
How's it going to be, When you're sure I'm not there,
How's it going to be, When there is no one there to talk to.
Posted by
06 July, 2004
i'm a fuckwit for doing what i did.
but when i think about it.
everyone's a fuckwit in some way.
Posted by
03 July, 2004
The stage is set.
The costumes are ready.
The hearts are real.
The marriage shall take place.
And I'm the happy jealous brother.
Posted by
29 June, 2004
28 June, 2004
Ah fuck.
I can't sleep anymore. Been awake since 6 am, and that's after sleeping at 2am.
Just seems like my body isn't well adjusted to the change in timing yet. Odd really.
It's only a two hour difference..-grumbles-
Well woke up with a lousy feeling. Really really lousy feeling. -sighs-
Just simply recalling the previous days events sent my head swirling around. I know one other person who's in the same situation as me. Just bloody annoying really.
Well she didn't make it through to the second round. But she IS good. And will always be, no matter what anyone says.
Posted by
25 June, 2004
Flying home in a few hours.
If anyone is interested..
call me..98380072
SHOULD be activated by the time I get back. Should be la...
Posted by
23 June, 2004
Why did they have to behead him..why?
What's wrong with humanity?
It sickens me. It really does.
Posted by
21 June, 2004
Listenin to Beyond -yea- it's cantonese-
Feeling somewhat -bleah-
It's not clear why, I mean afterall, my exams are over.
It's almost been a year for me since arriving in Australia.
Things have definitely not been as good as I would have like them to be. The year started out with me flying back earlier and more frquent than expected. Once was for Easter and the other was for well, my grandpa's funeral. I've always thought about what if i didn't go back for Easter. I wouldn't have seen my grandpa then. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise..maybe.
And then there was the emotional -me- being all screwed up. I guess it got really bad when the house suddenly became really really quiet, when the guy housemate went back home, when..when so many things. It was waking up to the lonliness feeling and falling asleep to that same feeling that drove me mad. Wasn't the most exciting thing really. And then there was the missing-of-my-grandpa-feeling. I never truly expressed my sadness when I went back for the funeral. I just didn't cry. I couldn't. I didn't want to. And it all escalated and exploded in me when I came back to Australia. I really couldn't find anyone to talk too and constant calls back to Singapore drove phone bills sky high and made certain people annoyed.
And then I thought there this -one- person who would try listen to me. But I guess I forget that sometimes people would rather do their own things and not want anyone to interfer or "intrude" into their personal space. Maybe that person did try to listen to me. That person definitely made many of my days and did keep me going whenever I was down. But that feeling has recently been inhibited over the past weeks. I guess it's really hard for me to understand it all.. But hey, i'm still learning. No one's perfect.
Listening to Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise
Reminds me of..Kate. MWhaha. You guys must be wondering who Kate is. Well she was my cousin's (the cousin who lives in Australia) good friend till some shit happen a few years back. She lives in Adelaide (Yes she's Australian Duh). I've heard that they're now friends again. It's definitely good to hear that. The reason why this song reminds me of her is cause we used to email each other heaps. And then she travelled somewhere and it all stopped...or we ran out of things to email about...or we got sick of each other..or both!! MWhaha. One of her favourite songs was Mayonaise as well. How coincidental is that? -smile- Oh well, where ever you are Kate, I hope life is treating you well.
Man my sematic and episdomic memories are definitely serving me well. MWhawha! Anyhow, I guess I'm finally seeing life differently now. And yes, at 22. It's late I know but hey, we've gotta start somewhere right? I'm learning to appreciate it more. To cherish the things and people that are in my life. To love everything I have and appreciate the things that I don't have.
"You're in the basement watching the TV, I'm on the second floor watching the ceiling, we sleep underneath under the same big sky at night, and dream the same dream that we can fly." - Chantel Kreviazuk (In this Life)
Forgive my rantings. I'm just suddenly in the mood to scribble down all my random thoughts. *Listening to the cure now - Friday I'm in love* I want to be that happy me again. Yea. I think I shall aim to do that. Time to get some warmth back into this house. The coldness is giving my heart frost bite. Like the what the New Radicals say, "You get what give"
"Like a fool, I keep thinking something's gonna change." - Patty Smyth and Don Henley (Sometime's Love Just ain't enough)
Posted by
5 more days!! Weeeeeeee.
Sweet is the thought of home coming.
Many things to be excited about.
Wedding, friends, family, food, humdity..
Just wanna be home..
Posted by
20 June, 2004
19 June, 2004
It just occured to me...
In two weeks time, my brother is going to get married! At 26!!
I'm so happy for Carol and you .
God is definitely with the both of ya.
Last paper on Monday.
Can't wait to pack.
Home is the humidity which forces me to shower 4 times a day.
Posted by
16 June, 2004
15 June, 2004
1 down.
2 to go.
3 days to assignment dude...OMG...
11 fucking days till i come home babe!!!!!!
Posted by
13 June, 2004
2 more days to exams.
5 more days till my assignment is due. (SOMEONE HELP!!!)
8 more days to see if i stay in this house or not.
13 more days till i come home.
Posted by
03 June, 2004
31 May, 2004
3 Days.
And so much has happened. Many things regretful. Figuring out the outcome really screws me over and over. It's like when things are going right, something just has to come along and fuck everything. Exams are approaching rapidly. Lost in limbo land trying to find a place to put my two feet down. Weightless in such over bearing situations.
3 weeks and a bit till home is reached. A simple comfort that temporarily consoles my being. The warmth felt at home with every question of concern and smiles that stretch the face with every friend in sight.
Steph might come back. Just hoping that she will. It's been a while since the last exchange of words with her, well, face to face at least.
Seeing the boys would do good for me too.
Whether it tastes like butter is still a question that begs to be answered. Right, fuz?
Posted by
28 May, 2004
I hereby declare that the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" should not be screened the day after it's released. Other than the stunning visual effects used to generate the apocalyptic events, the show is, with the lack of a better word, shit.
-> S H I T <-
The only thing that saved tonight was the Vitenamese dinner down at Darra Street. Small little cosy place with super hospitable chaps who dish out fabulous meals. There were six of us and it only cost us 10 bucks each. Absolutely Sweet.
Winter is pulling her weight around more these days. She's making herself more apparent to people as she blows her winds even stronger than before, forcing us to tuck our bodies into sweaters and rub on lip gloss. She's bullying us. She bullied summer and autumn. Now she wants to mock us.
Magpie mating season is here. Time to watch out for head pecking suicidal birds.
Posted by
25 May, 2004
Often I wonder about myself. About why I prefer to listen to music that no one as heard on radio before. I think about why I like to lock myself in my room and think about life (some of you may call it day dreaming perhaps). I think about why I'm made this way, I think about my own imperfection(s). The wrinkles that plague my hands that resemble the dentrites of a river and the premature silvering of strains of hair. And just like that, 21 years of wondering has taken it's toll. Our life, I come to reason, is like a box that we built for ourselves. Some of us build really big boxes while others build small ones. Some of the boxes are unique, made up of different parts stuck together in a disorderly fashion. Others are like common card boxes, simple and orderly. Some of the boxes are unsealed, allowing for new ideas to be placed in it, allowing for people to peer inside and allowing things to be taken in and out of it. Some, are completely sealed. Their world is hidden within the box with their heads firmly lodged inside, alone and choosing to ostracize the opportunities/other boxes that are constantly trying to pry it open. Some boxes are big and heavy while others small and light. Some boxes are small and heavy and there are those that are big and light; the experiences in life. The box that I've built thus far is a bit of both. I listen to under played music so that I am able to hide from the world and not relate the sounds to anything or anyone. It is the same reason as to why I lock myself in my room. It has a few unique pieces but is mostly plain. It is mostly sealed but a small gap exists allowing the world to be peered at whenever I so choose to. There really isn't anything great about the box that I'm building. At the end of the day, all boxes get eaten by the insatiable appetite of time. Some are folded and stored while others are discarded and burned making way for new boxes...
Posted by
24 May, 2004
Morning came and evening went and he was still wide awake. He dare not sleep for fear of repetiton of the same nightmare he got the morning before. He sleeps not, because his tears have been his lullaby and his morning star the entire week. He sleeps not, because his mind often drifts into the distant horizon, like an empty vessel, searching for understanding and direction. He sleeps not as winter winds blow away foreign expressions revealing morbid wrinkles on his face. He sleeps not as the silver lining passes him and steals from him. He sleeps not, for light is not light if she be not seen nor is joy joy if she be not by. But nay, do not think that she is or would be by. It is useless. She feeds upon his perfection and leaves him so unsatisfied like the rose that flies by night. He sleeps not, because his body is frost bitten by the wheel of indelible pain. He sleeps not, for the more he gives the more he does not get. Can he love a writer? Could he love a player? He sleeps not for he ponders to be or not to be in or out of love that sprung from his only hate, himself.
Posted by
17 May, 2004
Well okay...
I haven't posted for sometime..
But heck...the only thing I want to say is that I watched Love Hina today. (I know it's out of point)
But okay la Boon, I understand what you were so infatuated about now.
I think it's totally CUTE.
I've been sucked to the dark side.
Posted by
09 May, 2004
So it seems the days of winter have arrived; the leaves have fallen off the trees and light drizzle
that seems to last forever. It feels that a ciggie should be in my right hand and coffee -black- should be in my left. It feels like feet should be curled up together to hold together warmth that cannot be found. With gratitude toward summer, my joy is found in the latitude of winter. Windows fogged in the morning as walking through the mist becomes addictive; like using valium to dream. Like a dream bodies are caressed by the mist and dampened by the dew. Dew that tickles my toes as they gently brush against soft morning grass.....
Posted by
08 May, 2004
Quentin Tarantino.
What else is there to say?
"Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Soon, you'll need a man"
Posted by
06 May, 2004
I hate stats.
I hate stats.
I hate stats.
And no, I am so not a sexy beast. -rolls eyes-
Posted by
03 May, 2004
These Damned Singaporeans, Part II.
Warning - Do not read if you piss off easily. Heck, make that do not read if you can't stand being around me. =p
You know, something I've been meaning to point out for a pretty long time is that, to solve the mysteries of Singlish, one has but to directly translate into English from a Chinese-thinking mind.
There are actually Chinese words for la and mah, and they are used in much the same context - to end a sentence with an emotive sound that can be accentuated to convey meaning. Leh and meh, I personally theorize, arose when people got too lazy to even say lah and mah. Sheesh.
Grammatically, what comes out as broken English works well in Chinese. "Today we go where", a typical phrase in Singlish, translates literally into "Jing tian wo men qu na li" in Chinese, which is correct in all senses.
People cannot, perhaps, be blamed for this. The common mind, and no, I do not -quite- exclude myself from this category, tends to think in a primary language; one that they grew up speaking. I have also, indeed, seen the reverse happening - Bad Chinese being spoken because the speaker thinks in English, and then translates (looks at Donald pointedly). Subsequent languages learned tend to be a case of literal translation, and in the case of Singapore, with the majority of us being Chinkity Chink, we have the blind and paraplegic leading the rest of the natives in an extensive bad language campaign.
That brings us to the crux of my argument - The ability to hold up your end of an intelligent conversation. Yes, it is blindingly obvious that my default tone tends to be one of condescension. Yes, I do have quite a bit of pompousity when it comes to what I refer to as 'Singaporeans'. It is all, however, at least in my bigoted view, justified.
For, as much I have just argued that these people cannot be blamed for bad English, it is another matter entirely as to their -attitude- towards it. I do not mean to say that, like in China and Korea, fluent English should have a kind of almost-revered status. What I -am- saying is that Singaporeans have an entirely misconstrued opinion of their own linguistic ability, the relative worth of other languages, and of people who speak better English than themselves.
In a bit more detail than just that, Singaporeans think they can speak English well. So be it, however sad it is when you see a local, upon query of his peculiar linguistics by someone entirely ignorant of (-wince-) our culture, boldly retorts, "ITS ENGLISH LA. Y U CANNOT UNDERSTND ENGLISH IZZIT? KNN! KP LA!". With this profound understanding of the language, they then proceed to make fun of Chinese Nationals, who, while being unable to speak English in any measure as proficiently as their Singaporean counterparts, are able to speak -flawless- Chinese.
Somehow, this ability is downplayed by the average local citizen as worthless. I have seen a side to side conversation between a Chinese national and a local, and it's painful to behold the contrast between the eloquence of the Chinese, and the crassness, as always, of the local, who obviously thinks nothing of it. Him, who would not be able to tell a bellhop in a Chinese hotel that he wants a cab in Chinese (Jing bang wo jiao yi liang de shi), but MUST do it in an abomination of two languages (Bang wo jiao TAXI, can?), thinks he is superior to the Chinese national.
And to top it all off, when confronted with distinctly good English, they feel compelled to defend their own mutation of the language aggressively, and if the speaker of it is, gods forbid, Singaporean as well, they heap abuse on him. "Y U TOK SO LYDAT 1??? CHAO ANG MOHZZZ. KNN CANNOT TOK PRPERLY AH??!!" .
I just felt a need to clarify what exactly it is I have disdain for in Singaporeans. It is not entirely the lack of linguistic capability - I have full respect for native Chinese, Japanese, Thai and what-have-you speakers. They have fluid conversance in a language I have not, and would that I could have. It is when, as with most of the local population, you are UNABLE to hold a conversation in a single language, that you earn my disdain. Just look/listen to the average Singaporean interviewed on television or radio to see what I mean. On any damned topic, they are laughable. "I feel that IS IS very er xin lor." Strangely, once asked to speak in the other half of the language, it becomes "Wo jue de it is very digusting lor." .
This was kind of brought about after watching 'Please Teach Me English." . Movie-wise, it was pretty horrible. It does, however, bring out Respect for each individual language (Korean and English), which I am unable to convey to my compadres, who would rather eagerly stone me for being Ang Moh Pai.
Wake up, Singapore. Do you fucking realize that the world is laughing at youz?
Lolx this.
Posted by
02 May, 2004
Just got back from my exam not too long ago.
It was er..alright? I'm not too sure really.
I'm just all messed up now.
Home is missed again.
And more so my grandpa.
Sometimes I ask myself whether I could have done more.
Why didn't he pull through...
Why didn't he wait...
Why why why...
I do trust in the Lord. I know He's a fair dude who knows what He's doing...but sometimes it's just so hard to comprehend it all.
I miss the rain...and I'll never look at it the same way again.
Posted by
30 April, 2004
It's been a trying week.
But I thank God for friends and family.
And I've learnt to appreciate all of them better.
Cause you'll never know when their time is up.
Posted by
22 April, 2004
I'm utterly out of ideas as to what to write these days so I'll probably leave that to Boony.
School's been pretty hectic. Assignments are piling up and exams are coming soon.
My creativity (or what's left of it) is choked.
Other than that I'm just surprised that many Australians still think that Mandarin is the first language in Singapore. But then again I don't blame them. The way some of the Singaporeans speak over here is extremely appalling. I mean it's like they have some kinda of fucking lesion to the left hemisphere of their brain; either that or they have brains the size of aphids. A true apogee of embarassment for Singaporeans. I mean even if you can't speak proper english, at least lose the singlish when you're speaking to an Australian or some other white/black/non-Singaporean dude.
Bah. Anyway, I've started reading Shakespeare again. Don't know why but I'm suddenly feeling very "sonnety" and have this insatiable desire to drown myself in his soliloquies.
Either that or I'm just a sad fuck. But even if i was a sad fuck or a sad fucker, at least I will never ever be a mother fucker.
Fair thee well O sweet night,
May your summer winds
Blow away my restless plights.
Posted by
20 April, 2004
Just a quick one, in a series of upcoming quick ones narrating the various ways in which these FUCKING SINGAPOREANS PISS ME OFF.
The Singaporean idea of humour is, typically, crude and fucking UNfunny enough to validate the systematic elimination of the species, with a few good looking young women put aside. Hell, just tell them they have to get into that gas chamber or 'face possible fines and a jail term', and watch them fall over themselves to get in. This brought on by my being in a Gunbound game. Err well for those of you who don't know, just imagine this cybernetic, video-gamy room where people can go into. Mine was for six, divided into two sides of 3 - 3. My side was full. There is one guy on the other side. Suddenly, this new person comes in and says,
"-name of the guy who was alone at first- is a cb kia".
But lo, they were friends who knew each other, and those, to me, fighting words, were actually a cordial greeting of sorts. Brings to mind the comments of this Singaporean author I read, where she notes that Singaporeans are practically the ONLY people, who, whereupon seeing someone they haven't for a long period of time, will find SOMETHING bad to say about the much-missed party. "eh y u so dark liao." "wah you put on weight issit?" It's something I ashamedly realize myself to be guilty of, and while I mumble things about years of ingrained culturing, am consciously trying to rectify. But don't worry, if I finally see you again after all this time and I say you look wonderful, it's because I mean it. Well, probably.
Sorry. Been reading the papers too much. It's just too damned ridiculous, the way the people here place their priorities. Allow me my last refrain - Guess what the papers, Straits Time, no less, decided to publish from their indubitably large pool of letters with concerns? Some guy with TOO DAMNED MUCH TIME ON HIS HANDS AND A SENSE OF SELF-IMPORTANCE GROTESQUELY OUT OF PROPORTION TO HIS POND-SCUM GENES noted strongly that it is the law to wear your seatbelt, and in this advertisement of some sort, artiste Chew Chor Meng was portrayed getting into a taxi WITHOUT HIS SEATBELT ON! MY GODS! The audacity of these unlawful, youth-seducing media icons! He expressed the genuine concern that he 'hopes the authorities can do something about it.' .
I hate this place. I really do. Tell me, besides getting shitfaced enough so the world is awash with pretty colours and reality doesn't bite so bad, is there any other way to keep my sanity?
Posted by
19 April, 2004
17 April, 2004
No, this is not a hostile takeover, and I'm sure my bruddah dearest will
return with a vengeance soon, with prose to move mountains and shake
martinis with, in all probability with some degree of allusion to my
sexuality but, well. For now, I speak once more, and on an entirely
different note from previous flippancy and frivilousities. Verbosity,
however, is rather too deeply ingrained to shrug off at will, and apologies
are made well in advance. On the metaphorical other, it quite has its place
in this piece, which is meant to be a humble tribute of sorts to someone I
consider an amazing person who has since tragically passed on, and to which
words are, as so painfully is usually the case, all I have to give.
It doesn't take much time with me to infer the degree of cynicism that has
slowly, over years of nurturing, taken root in this one particular
uneducated barbarian. Basically, it takes quite a bit to intrigue or impress
me, but when it happens, I often give over to it unconditionally. Being born
and bred in Singapore has contributed a fair bit towards this unsavoury
characteristic, I fear, for as a whole, Singaporeans are just so stupid,
uninspired, rude and general jackasses that when someone comes along that
speaks well, has depth of thought beyond -Sian today go where aiyoh I need
money to buy ting wah that girl so chio-, and is actually funny, I tend to
get all classically head over heels.
I read a fair bit. Less, and more genre-restrictively than I would like, but
I do nonetheless. Elucidating the process of a literary diet, and to detail
mine would be another entry altogether - suffice, for the purposes of this
exposition, that I say I rarely, if ever, read anything indigenous to
Singapore. Admittedly, I haven't done any degree of research into available
local literature that can begin to be called extensive, but take a look on
the local shelves at the bookstore.
Ghost stories. That about sums it up. True Singapore Ghost Stories, volumes
1 through 3275, and this one I saw imaginatively titled "Tunnels of Blood".
Some collection of maritial scandals written by private investigators, and minor
other assortments of refreshing poetry and other odds/ends. I
was, and mostly remain, unmoved by the -creative- efforts of my...fellow
men. It in fact takes an expatriate, Neil Humphrey, to whip something up
that piqued me sufficiently to make the purchase. Lamentable, but
unsurprising. The fact, that is. Not the book. The 'Notes' series by Neil
Humphrey is rather excellent light reading. I refuse to disclose how much he
paid me.
Can one be blamed, then, for judging a book by its cover? 'Excuse Me, Are
You a Model?', by Bonny Hicks, was just another title dismissed...almost
disdained by your dear barbarian. Recently however, having entertained
illusions of grandeur about writing a book, I determined it would first be
prudent to see what actually got published locally. Still shunning the critical
acclaim of True Singapore Ghosties (Russell can kiss my...), I eventually
gravitated to the aforementioned, together with her only other work,
'Discuss Disgust', and, swallowing apprehension, pride and other
misgivings, picked them both up.
Allow me mild digression here. I used to be a huge advocate of the whole
-Looks are a facade, inner beauty is da bomb- shitznat, but scattered,
pointed comments by meh bruddah dearestest had led to a reassessment.
Looks do matter.
If Bonny was a Pamela Tang (I hope to various omniscient deities she never
reads this.), besides the point that the book would never have happened,
much less a modelling career, I may have been less intrigued. Yes, -may-.
She did happen, however, to be just mildy short of gorgeous, with those
cliched eyes that spoke of a thousand stories to tell. As I slowly ingested
the book 'Excuse Me... ' , I could help myself not, but to stare at the many
pictures of herself in the book an keep asking myself - She looks this good,
she writes this well, and she's born-bred local? It was objective aesthetic
appreciation, mind. If she was alive today she'd be old enough to be my mother.
There is power in the sweet, simple, and succinct. Having Googled her name,
I stumbled upon an entry in this Singaporean dude's blog, who interestingly
enough had a vocabulary remarkable even by my pompous standards, but a sense
of grammar bad enough to cause me mild migraines and develop a nervous
twitch in my eye from all that wincing. To the chase - He says Bonny Hicks
wrote a bestseller by stringing simple sentences together, which is amazing, and
that while one can develop a vocabulary, one cannot be taught the ability to write.
I'd have asked him to take his own advice but hey, we're all critics. His
observation was, however, most astute. You'd seldom find a word of more
than three syllables in "Excuse Me...", and perish the thought of combing it for
hidden social criticisms and analogies. It's simply to be taken at face value -
an in-your-face, talk-over-coffee kind of sincerity and the telling of a story
unembellished yet breathtaking in its natural complexity. Few people will ever
live the kind of life that, for its own sake, makes for the telling of a good story.
I know I wish I do. A story of my life, however, would be along the lines of a
one paragraph entry, with the subsequent pages being "Refer - Page one." .
The life of the late Bonny Hicks made for bestseller material, and her
powerfully personal tone is something I wish I could adopt in its cutting
Having modelled for three years, she found herself financially independent,
and henceforth moved to Indonesia to take up with a publishing company,
of which the details I am uncertain. As some of you might know,
she subsequently perished in a plane crash on the way back to
Singapore, with her body never being found. That was in 1997, and she
was, I believe, in her late twenties then.
Looking back at what I've written, here and otherwise, I cannot help but
feel a sense of inadequacy. I come nowhere near to expressing the
myriad of emotion that coursed, unaccustomed and the more intense
for it, through me as I read the story of her life. The superficial intrigue
at a pretty face. The deepening of interest as I realized that she had
something to say, and was saying it all too well. The peculiar blend
of envy and camaraderie - The former of her having truly lived life, where
I do but lose myself in speculation, and the latter in that, like myself, she
was somewhat of an anomaly in the family; the one outstanding link
in a morass of otherwise unimpressive mundanity. The peaks and
trenches of sentiment, carelessly but not callously manipulated at will by a
will unwillingly willed out of existence. And the regret - the at-once sour,
bitter and empty feeling of yearning to have somehow corresponded with
her. Of the two of us, though I arrogantly claim similarity, she was the one
who made it. Not to mention the better looking one.
I leave you then, fellow consciousnesses, with a chillingly nostradamic
quip from one too-early gone.
"The heavens can wait, but I cannot. Time is not on my side." .
Simple. Cutting. Deeper than she ever would know.
"Too early seen unknown and known too late." Farewell then,
Bonny Hicks. Too late, and yet far, far
too early.
Posted by
12 April, 2004
I was going to give a bit of an insight into something else entirely but well, I decided against it. Too particular to myself and my life-induced melancholia. So let's instead look at something else entirely. Something more mainstream and sensational.
Porn! Good old audio-visual sexual stimulation. I'm not sure about the rest of you out there but I'm particular about my porn. It has to be of a certain standard, aye? Having seen a good very much of what the internet has to share in the way of pornography, some things just stand out across all racial and genre platforms and are, I feel, comment-worthy. Let's just take a minute here to establish that the below observations are detached and hopefully more of a clinical analysis than a lewd proposition. =o
You can easily distinguish good porn from bad, I feel, by what kind of mindset the participants in the particular film have toward the act. Generally, the professional acts lack that raw edge of excitement and enjoyment the so-called amateurs have. Then there are the...sad ones. Girls that, for attention or otherwise, just want to get into it and are exploited relentlessly. I can't help but wince at some of them. There was this one girl in particular. Like...ugh. She had these horrible acne swellings pasted over with cheap foundation and was anything BUT attractive. Then she forced this rather impressively large member down her throat and gagged, and subsequently vomitted. It's close to funny, the sight of vomit spewing from around the edges of the phallus in her mouth. The guy seemed otherwise unaffected, though. Maybe the different texture did it for him.
It's also rather interesting to observe the differences between Asian and Western porn. I mean, ok, you don't really normally look for cultural identifiers in porn but they're very much there! Asian porn is typically all about male domination. The role of the girl is just to sit/lie there and make squeaky noises with her eyes closed. Emphasis on that last bit - throughout the enitre however long the flick might be, the girl has her eyes closed. Yes, you do tend to close your eyes almost instinctively as that shiver of pleasure runs through you but these people don't look at -anything-. From the moment her breasts start getting massaged, she falls into a trance-like state where all she does is squeal, including when they shift positions. In Asian pornography, the female is seriously reduced to a piece of meat, there to be fucked. It's...well...placid might be the word. Not at all very exciting.
Western porn, on the other hand, generally has this vibrance about it, where the woman gets into the action as well. She moves in ways the Asian woman never does. After taking the initiative to seduce, she follows it up, holding the man much in the same way he does her during fellatio and touching herself for her own pleasure during intercourse, where she also stares right at the male with the flame of desire shining evidently through. Foreplay and actual act-wise, all Asian porn can do if sniff her Western sister's collective soiled panties when it comes to the allure factor.
My main gripes, though, are semen-swallowing and anal intercourse. With a few exceptions, of course, these are things that evidently even the seasoned ones still find distasteful, and in the case of the former, very painful. It's kind of cute, the whole getting down and "Oooh yeahhh baby give it to me!" thing, and the slight start they give when the man actually ejaculates. In the cases where they open their mouths really wide as if anticipating some great treat, it's rather amusing how some actually start tearing and gagging, but still try to make those Mmmmm noises. The seasoned ones seem to have a nice system going where they allow ejaculate, good aim permitting, into their mouths, collect a pool of the stuff in there and then in the Mmmmming process sort of expel it from their mouths again. Respect. But really, c''s not THAT vile. =/
The case of anal sex is even more amusing. Jenna Haze, up and coming new blood in the industry, proclaimed in the prelude of one of her videos that she absolutely LOVED anal sex and it made her just SO horny and felt REALLY good. Look woman. Men have prostrate glands to massage up in there. You don't have zilch. Anal sex is, to the best of my knowledge, an excercise in mild to extreme pain for the woman, and it's once again amusing to watch some of them try to disguise their discomfort and yelps of pain as ones of pleasure. Well, yes, the distinction is very thin, but you're not fooling anybody. Hmmm. Ok, not me, at least.
Before someone starts getting all riled up and gathers the lynching mob, no, the above does not extend to the victimized women forced into things. They are merely observations of choreographed pornographical productions where the women know very well what they're getting into. I has teh respect for women!
Seriously, though, I think the least of a passing flirt is immensely more stimulating than the best pornographic film. Maybe people are starting to realize it. Unless it's just me, spam these days tend to be more along the lines of "Tim, get guranteed added inches now!!!11" or "Tim, find out how to have bigger, firmer breasts!!11" to all the varied dating, "meet attractive singles from your area" ones. Porn is still there, of course. It's something that always will be there, and what that says about the human race in general in open to debate...
But catching and holding the wandering gaze of an attractive stranger, followed by that excruciating, heart-thumping first shy half-smile is worth any number of Jenna Hazes, Jenna Jamesons, Kobe Tais, Sylvia Saints, Aurora Snows...
Um. Ok. So I don't catch that many looks from attractive strangers. Or get out much.
Posted by
09 April, 2004
"Bearing children." .
I don't it just me, or does that phrase conjure up a totally different set of images of what the act is supposed to?
Images of mind numbing pain. Of red and blood and regulated breathing. Of anxiety and anticipation and drug-tinged hysteria.
And at the end, glittering facets of tears, joy and accomplishment, sparkling under the radiance just as newly-wet motherhood.
I mean, sure, I'm male. Never will I experience the (dubious) delight of giving birth. Not for me the oft-homicidal swing of mood at a stipulated period of the month. Kinda curious about what it's be like to have breasts, really, but though that -can- be arranged, really, it's all right.
In spite of, and despite, however; I have naught but the utmost of respect for the sacred task and process of childbirth women undertake. Nothing. But. I had an anal probe once. It was roughly the size of a laboratory test tube and it HURT. For all you men out there wanting to experience a fraction of the child-birthing experience, get an anal probe. =)
Half-jests aside, though, it's just downright weird, hearing the Prime Minister talk to the latest batch of (hopefully) soon-to-be parents in the hopes of fostering and encouraging some 'child-bearing'. I mean, it's not like plants and shit, y'know? That's pretty much what the phrase conveys, at least to me. Bear children. Let em sorta grow on you till they're nice and ripe and juicy and drop right off ya.
You've just beared a child!
Sorry. One of...those things.
Posted by
07 April, 2004
The moon the moon
It captivates me
It makes me a prison
Where my sorrows lay
Brightness that shines from another
But a silence that always stay
The stars the stars
How they comfort me
For a while
Happiness is reflected
As they twinkle infinitely
Till day awakes and steals them from me
Posted by
06 April, 2004
Sleep your sleep, good sir, and know
That daylight waits your presence
'An you so choose, your day shall light
In ordained incandescence
Wail not, hide not, gentle thing
For never would you wake late.
Rather, stir, and lament those
For whom darkness does not abate.
-Hey, it's cheemer than I thought it'd be.
Posted by
03 April, 2004
I'm out of things to write.
So help me God.
The morning sun is up you see
But I slept
It did not wait for me
It nudged me with prodding beams
But I hid my head under blankets and dreams
I reckoned I’d awake in time
To blend in to Life’s rhetoric rhymes
Posted by
02 April, 2004
What is being over confident?
This is being over confident...
Exam results.
PSY1020: 15/24
PSY1030: 20/24
I think i should study more.
Methinks i should really start.
Posted by
Well, hello.
In the latest random effort to stir myself off my increasingly rotund behind, banish apathy and disavow procrastination, I have negotiated a share process of sorts with my bruddah dearest, who readily acquiesced, and will henceforth occasionally pop in with random cynical insights into life. A rather fitting paradox of sorts, I feel, with one impeccably in tune with his One of choice, and the other, a devout Timist, that basest of religions. No prizes for guessing who's doing better in life (hint: Working in a LAN shop has Zero career prospects and pays shit. Fortunately I like to abuse kids.). That creative muscle sorely needs flexing, and so...shall we?
Wouldst thou leave me so unsatisfied tonight;
And have me fend myself in this bleak, starless night?
For Caesar's slaves resigned, in his weighted circus hath
Not as unsmiling and ominous an opponent
That doth stroke for stroke, and blow for blow
The sense of self circumvent
As the gilded silver of that
Sweet, innocuous foe
That doth reflect
And so effects
A most wretched, piteous plight.
It gets lonely sometimes, all by oneself, with the voices in the head.
Posted by
30 March, 2004
Wondering thoughts
That are written by obedient fingers
That refuse to be spoken
But on the tip of my tongue
A wondering voice
That is unspoken
Replaced by a myriad of words
The silence is
Eyes closed inwardly
A simple reflection of a verse
Something spontaneous
Nothing rehearsed
Posted by
22 March, 2004
Utterly bored.
School's fulla readings and readings.
Sometimes I wonder if I really am absorbing the stuff I read.
Where does it go?
What the hell does memory look like?
How much can one memorize or understand?
So many times...
I'm deterred..
Because I'm taking psychology..
People have a funny impression of me..
Like I'm some mad loser whos not gonna make enough money..
Well mayeb I'm not gonna make loads of money
but who gives a shit...
Life stinks.
Posted by
21 March, 2004
18 March, 2004
To my dear friend, simply called D. My promise is kept.
"in the event of mercy, the oocyte finds itself enthralled. the prospect of (tendril around vilborthite) umbones (et id genus omne) : the task of taking off, a chorion cardigan, a womb frayed. in the event that optical compaloos are found clipping the peripheral beams, the edges of a story can drown. within the gaum of ‘before’ : an empery clothed in slow harvest, craves a gnomon. often finding her memory chewy, she places herself in the third person. a joint can not articulate sans ulna: from the wrest comes wrist et cetera desunt. the pancake minions, the loss of contrast and the dimming of the oils create this drowning: linear is so like. what is it to share a spoon and undo the milliene ootid’s shags. what is it to therefore." - adapted from part II of Exuviae. Penned by Divya Victor.
Good luck for your paper later on D!
Posted by
I just got home from school.
Honestly I think I'm like one tone darker.
The sun's really bad over here.
It's supposed to be autmn now but...-sizzles-
By God's grace I manage to go for mass today.
It was really good cause I think I really needed Him in my life again
Nearly went back to my Sunday Catholic Status.
God saves. -smiles-
Met a couple of people there. Really really friendly.
I guess I'll finally have a social life now! yay! MWhaha.
I never realised this before..
But somewhere along the pathway which I take to and fro from school
Written somewhere is the verse from Romans (8:1-17)
Even after being here for some months now
And even after using the same route day in and out
I somehow never caught sight of it...
Till today..
Maybe it was God's way in telling me to be more observable...
Or to live my life, as "Life in the Spirit"
Whichever way it is, I'm sure God will guide me with His Spirit.
Amen to that.
Posted by
11 March, 2004
I is had a test today.
I is surprised.
I is gave Tutor a perplexed looked.
I is got 9 out of 10 for my test.
Maybe I should start giving more perplexed looks.
Posted by
07 March, 2004
Headed down to Noosa beach today!
Had lotsa sun, some wind, lotsa sand, lotsa waves and some tits.
And here was I whining about why I never wanted to swim in aussie's oceans.
Sharks, Jellyfish etc etc.
But man.
Today I rode 4 feet waves! Hooya!
It was like I was hynotised and drawn towards the sea.
I Just hung loose with my housemates and rode them waves.
With our bodies of course.
And that spurred us to get body boards!
And that's just what we're gonna do next!
Can't wait to head down to Noosa Beach again though it's a 2 hour drive.
It hell sure is worth it!
On the drive back, the moon came out. As did the stars.
And it just lit up the black sky. And I smiled to myself.
Because it reminded me of home
It reminded me of family.
It reminded me of friends.(Tim and Fuz and yes partially that dickhead)
And it reminded me of the girl that I miss so dearly. Faye.
It reminded me of God and how beautiful He can be.
As I always say. Trust in Him and nothng else matters.
Peace ya'll.
Posted by
Sometimes you wonder how God works in your life.
You sit back and think,'Man life stinks.'
But often do we foget that He has done great wonders for us.
Like the Bible says He is in every life that breathes.
Conversly, everything that breathes lives within Him.
We just have to trust. And have faith.
Faith. Something many people who don't believe tend to question us using Science.
First of all, Sience has such a thing as the falsifiability Principle. And that it is self correcting.
Religion does not.
Had a black out yesterday and for most of the day.
Thunderstorm was the culprit. It's really amazing how strong
these winds can be in Aussie. Strong enough to uproot a tree! And not just any tree..a HUGE one.
And yea, cause of that, spent the whole of last night in darkness and most of today
powerless...untill..untill i decided to shower. -blink-
Yea. I lit a candle in the toliet and while showering halfway
(with cold water mind you cause the heater couldn't work without power)
the power came back on! mWhahaha. I never thought I'd be so happy so see my bathroom so
bright again! -griN-
Posted by
02 March, 2004
"As I closed my eyes to dream away
I heard His voice telling me
That it was all going to be okay
So I closed them and dreamt away
Knowing that In His time
No one will ever stray"
I got my transfer.
I'm offically BA (psychology)
Praise the Lord.
Amen to that i say.
Posted by
01 March, 2004
And I'm inclined to think I'm not cut out for Uni.
So help me God.
Posted by
23 February, 2004
I have found the love of my life.
1 Cor 13.
Nothing else is greater than He.
Posted by
14 February, 2004
Hey ho. Ho hum. Howdy.
It's 3am.
And as usual. I'm not in bed.
I met her again today.
The third time.
This time I was late! -laughs-
Well, I mean com'on!
I assumed she would have been late that's why I left my house later than I should have.
"I'm sorry"
Hung around Plaza Singapura for a while cause she wanted to pass something to her friend.
Apparently she and some of her friends have this "Fairy Club" going on.
And so technically, I met another of her fellow fairy err friend. -sneezes from fairy dust-
Headed down to Fish 'n' Co at err the glasshouse? Is it called the glasshouse? Is it?
Had a really funky dinner. (in a sense) Had loads of fun.
Even more when she massacred the fish she ordered. MASSACRED I SAY!!!!
-laughs- Poor fish.
After dinner (and after being so undecided of what to do then) we headed back to her place.
Walked around her area for quite a bit and ended up chilling for most of the end at this play ground.
Both of us squeezed (amazingly!) into this make shift compartment and talked a bit.
It was there that she melted my heart.
She sang. Yea. She sang. Oh God. She's really gifted.
It was like I was just hypnotised. LIKE HYPNOTISED!!!!!!
Oh well.
I think she's really something. None could ask for more. Really.
Yea that was about it. I really am looking forward to seeing her, again and again and again...
As long as she stops trying to push me down the escalator.
Till then miss blubber Faye, I hope you stop having weird dreams.
Watched Boat Trip with the boys.
It's really really hilarious.
Too bad the government decided to ban it here
Brings a new perception of gays.
Really. If you have the chance. Do catch it.
You will not be disappointed.
And now.
It's time to urm. sleep?
Ha! Probably not.
Posted by
09 February, 2004
In the absence of fruitful/interesting/mind captivating/alluring/ posts.
I shall blabber nonsense. (not like i make any sense normally anyway)
Today's Sunday; That's the seventh day of the week. (well technically)
It's about three more weeks till I fly back to Aussie.
Back. Should I say back? Sounds like i'm going back home.
But, it's not really home. Well, at least not home in it's conventional sense.
I'll be doing 10 units this semester. That's five subjects. In 4 months or less.
Five brand new subjects that I've never done in my entire academic life.
We'll see where my clueless brain takes me.
A week till I take on my journey to know God better.
Sabah. A whole week of prayer. I hope. Somehow.
God will show me the way. And lighten my burden.
For God never said that there will not be burdens.
Just how much. And how you handle them.
Seen her twice. Thus far.
And yet each time. She captivates me.
Like the way each time she's late. -rolls eyes-
This time it was rather more serious, the talk.
She actually opened up to me a little. It's really comforting to know.
That she trusts me. That she's comfortable with speaking to me.
She's really troubled. And my prayers are for her as well.
Her fingers still hurt from our last frolicking. -laughs-
But her brown eyes are still as flawless as ever.
She'll be somebody great one day. Just you wait.
-And no, you have to beg me to tell you the dream-
I really am going to miss Singapore.
Posted by
05 February, 2004
It has come to my attention that Singapore kids are getting more stupid.
It's sad to see society come down to such a level.
Of all people he had to pick to bully. He picked my brother.
Yes. A nit wit picked a fight with my brother in school yesterday.
He stole his food, accused him of "touching his friend (who's a guy mind you) and started beating him.
What's worse. When my brother beat the shit out of him.
The guy threatened him, "you watch out, tomorrow I call my gang to beat you" -laughs-
Alas. Today came. At the end of it. With Tim, Fuz, Kef and me.
The guy nearly pissed in his pants.
He wasn't that tough afterall.
His friends nearly got whacked by tim fuz and me.
His pai kia friends, well, let's just say they won't be finding trouble with my younger brother anymore.
Past few days have been really busy.
Apart from the ah beng story.
I had muscle ache for like 3 days cause I played touch rugby for the first time in er..six months.
And I over strained!!! (But okay la, it fucking feels good to work out after so long)
No more walking like I have huge balls anymore!
Went to catch Lost In Translation with the boys recently.
Nice show. Sweet loving and heart warming.
About two people who are frustrated with life.
And they meet. And they try so hard not to fall in love.
Because they know they have to bear the consequences of their actions.
Odd? I think not. I loved it.
A friend of mine. One whom I hold in high esteem said something that really hurt me today.
Second time in a week she has said something like that.
It never occured to me that someone like her could say something like that.
Maybe I was being too sensitive about it. Maybe. But I don't think I deserved something like that.
I wasn't lecturing her. I was giving her sound advice (whether she took it or not was something else altogether) as a friend.
A friend who cared about her so much. As a friend who loves her.
But I guess she has a reasons right? Right?
After all, I don't live in the real world.
Posted by
01 February, 2004
What a hectic Saturday it's been.
Woke up at 745am for a Wedding Ceremony.
(And that's after like sleeping for barely 6 hours in the last three days)
Went down to Thomson after but only played awhile before heading down
For touch rugby. Yes touch rugby.
My first game in Singapore after so long.
A couple of foul ups.
A few smackings (touches) at the wrong places.
And a slap (touch) on some girl's face..and then the boob.
Two painfully cramped up legs.
It's time to get into shape again. (-pukes-)
Had a quick catch up with Za, Bli, Louise and two other guys from Arts 3.
T'was good to see them after so long.
We've all grown up. And changed.
Cept for Zarina's hysterical laughter that used to get us kicked out of StartBucks in the past.
Oh well. All's good.
At night it was Wedding dinner time.
Food was alright but the reception was just lovely.
The newly wed couple had so much to offer to each other.
The bridegroom even sang the bride a song.
And danced with her. And told her, "I love you." so faithfully. So sincerely.
And i just teared. Teared from the fact that I just lost love a few months back.
That I had envisioned myself with her. The fact that I really felt so unloved.
Unloved in a particular sense. Not God's love or family love. Just simply, love.
The fact that she is saying i love you to someone else instead of me.
And i cried.
Met the boys after. Fuz drove Sal's car picked me up.
HEaded down to Newton Hawker for food.
Angela was hungry.
And boy did they (she) eat.
LIKE EAT!!! -laughs-
Oh, happened to see Gill.
Still looks the same after all these years.
Didn't say Hi to her cause she was with someone.
(Her new boyfriend presumably)
Aight. Time to hit the bed.
See ya all.
God Bless.
Posted by
30 January, 2004
It's me again.
After so long.
It's been a really busy week.
Spent the weekend in KL with my grandparents.
Pray people pray.
My grandpa is sick. And the skies are grey where they hang over him.
He's weakening. Slowly and painfully.
So much so that his weak karma spreaded to me.
I fell sick too. Fever and flu.
It really really is bad, the situation.
I hope for my brother's sake that he'll be strong enough to last the year.
My trust is in God.
Hrm that aside, I just came back from Centro.
SMU bash so it seems.
Music was alright. The Dj had issues, spinning crappy house music when the crowd was there
and then R & B when the crowd was starting to die down; and then some.
Oh well. Danced quite a bit. Fuz Tim and Fang.
Sweetness. Fang was in the organizing committee.
Sweet. SOME hot chicks. Many Fat chicks. A hand full of poseurs.
Lotsa sweat. -lol-
Not too bad. For $15 bucks. I'd say it was OKAY la.
Went for supper after. Prata and mee goreng.
Yes yes at 3 am cause I had a light dinner.
Oh speaking of which it was rather lovely my dinner!
Had Scandinavian food with a friend of mine. ( At Wheelock place)
Her company was just sweet. She really made me see a lighter side to life.
Hope to see more of her before I leave.
(And I"m sorry for spraining your fingers and scaring you! I needed to defend myself from tumbling down the escalator!)
Anyway. 4 goons sleeping in my room now.
I think I shall join then.
In the mean time. Take care all. God Bless.
To mei: -Hugs- I is back in action! Maro is sooooooooooo cute!
To J.o: You will be missed. Take care over there aight!
To Huiling: at this rate we will never meet up!
Posted by
22 January, 2004
Happy Chinky New Year all.
I hope you all ate your fill during reunion dinner.
I know that I sure packed on the kilos since I came back.
And it's going to get even more during the next few days.
My ass is going to be huge! HUGE i tell ya! HUGEEE!!
Anyway i was watching Robbie Williams "live" concert today.
And i just looked in awe and he sang to a massive crowd.
Like fuck loads of people!!
And I was thinking, how amazing if would be you were somehow able
to get up onto that stage
and face all them people.
And just close your eyes.
And let them adore you.
As if you were someone who felt so wanted.
So special.
Bah. What a dream.
Oh well.
Peace out.
Posted by
20 January, 2004
Hear me
As I wonder
About the temptings of my life
And little by little
With a moment
With my eyes close
A gathering of thoughts
I roam free.
A sip of life
Of pain
Of lonliness and
An anchored heart
On dry ground
A seeking love
But no ones around
No one's around.
Posted by
19 January, 2004
I miss her.
I miss her smell.
I miss waking up with her.
I miss looking at her when she sleeps.
I miss stroking her face.
I am sad.
But, she will never know I guess.
Cause this is what she wanted.
And she is happy.
Posted by
18 January, 2004
Another day. A different time.
Sat. One day after friday. One day beore Sunday.
Don't really know what to say right now.
Just the usual routine of waking up, having lunch and buggering off to thomson for my usual dosage of games games games.
Oh actually. I did meet up with Kellin today. Some last minute plannings there.
She's good. Attachment's taking a toll on her body though.
She's lost so much weight again. And she's really got nothing she can afford to lose anymore.
One day, she might just disappear. -poof- Imagine.
Was at Boon's place after. Someone was unexpectedly there.
Odd I guess that he aptly greeted me with a, "Wassup bro."
I just don't accept the way he's changed.
I can't.
And I won't.
Or maybe sometimes somethings are just meant to be.
How fragile friendship is. How weak.
As Shakespear wrote in King Lear, "Oh ! the difference of man and man"
Anyhow, had a talk with Boon.
Was just telling about his dream.
And his dream within a dream within a reality kinda thing.
Complicated eh.
That he dreams that he's dreaming, and in his dream he wake's up and does things and suddenly he wakes up again.
Freaked him at first. But he finally got used to it.
And so here's another useless thought of the day.
It's funny how we loosely use the phrase, "Oh well, I guess he's used to it"
Don't you think that it's amazinig how we can condition ourselves?
That when we experience something, our mind takes it all in.
Memorizes it and learns to recognize the particular thing.
E.g Tim gets a static shock. He becomes afraid. He knows he might get a static shock again.
He becomes more cautious.
Reminds me of the dog example that my teacher told me in Biology class in secondary.
Eg. When it's meal time, master rings bell, dog responses. After a while, even when it's not meal time master rings the bell, dog slivates and responses.
Okay. So maybe there is a difference.
In Boon's case he learns to be more cautious when opening doors.
His stimulant is his experience with the shock from static when opening doors.
As for the dog, the bell is it's stimulant. He doesn't learn. It acknowledges. It hears, it reacts. Simple.
But in a sense, both become conditioned.
And no Boon. You ain't a dog.
Bah. One more useless thought.
Boon was talking about his dreams and all. And death.
And I was telling him about me.
And how sometimes I feel that the world encloses around you.
And you wonder how you have become you.
No no, not the upbringing kinda lovey dovey shit.
But how your mind was already there in the first place.
As in sometimes, you look at your palms and you ask yourself.
Is this really me? Am I really here?
If i took cracked open my head and placed it in a jar
What would I see, what would I feel. Would it feel the same?
(but then i guess we have eyes ears and erectile tissues for a purpose!)
Sometimes I look in the mirror and go.
Oh this is me. Cool. -lol-
Aight. Shall stop my rantings here. It's only 2am. Still early. The night's young.
And I guess...It's gaming time.
Oh if you're really fucking bored. Check this out.
Posted by
16 January, 2004
Woke up super late today.
Got a bad habit of turning my body clock upside down.
Anyway, was out with j.o
Went to town to look for her tennis shorts but ended up buying two tops and a handphone cover.
Apparently the one she got from ebay was a fake! albeit, she got cheated. -lol-
Silly old j.o
She's a real sweet girl who picked me up from my place in her cool white mini jeep that looks so sexy when she's in it!
2hours was short. But definitely well spent! she's a girl who knows what she wants! And what she wants she definitely gets.
J.o dropped me off at thomson after,for my daily dosage of GunBound and CS.
(not forgetting the StarBucks greentea frap and NTUC 3 for 1 bread after 7pm and KFC)
Now. I'm just chilling out at home. With some music. And my heart.
Tomorrow's another story i guess. Yea. That's it.
And steph. How come you didn't get my email!!!
Posted by
12 January, 2004
I'm back.
After less than 3 days on the highs seas
the fun's finally over.
Had a great time I must say. The food. The company. The laughter. The farts. The gamblings (no more bets, no more bets)
The ah mas and ah gongs. The Raymond and Dawn look alike. The Dominic D'Souza. The friendship.
During the nights I had time to do some reflection on deck.
The stillness of the night.
The wind in your face.
The silence.
The beauty.
And no one to stop you.
No one. And that was what I felt. No one.
Emptiness again.
And I was sad.
Even now. I still am.
I don't know why.
It's like you're running and running and running.
You think all's fine when suddenly a truck comes out and hits you.
And you stumble and fall again.
And as time passes. You learn to pick yourself up.
And run. Again.
It's a painful process. Really.
It is.
Posted by
09 January, 2004
Da boys and I will be away for a couple of days.
Will be back Sunday.
We is going on the high seas.
-Ahooooooooooooy matey!-
To J.o. Welcome home.
Posted by
There's a hot chick on the plane from the states on da way home.
Indeed the men are already rejoicing.
Posted by
08 January, 2004
A friend.
What is a friend?
Today. I was totally disappointed with a friend of mine.
But then again, do i really still treat him as one?
Posted by
06 January, 2004
I'm writing, with a frown on my face.
For some weird reason i'm a whatever mood.
Have you ever thought how farewells have evolved over the years?
From Adieu, to farewell, to bye, to see you later, to see you later, online.
See you later online.
Bah. Useless thought of the day I guess.
Many say people change.
That Change is the only constant.
Feelings, emotions, physical aspects.
What about time? When people say the changes with time.
But time, isn't it constant? (in a sense) where we work on a 24Hrs basis.
A second, a minute and an hour.
In it's true meaning or collective group, doesn't really change does it?
A hundred years ago a second was still a second, though one might be inclined to think that at that time, calculating time was indeed an arduous task. And yet ten years later a second is still second.
Do we change with time?
What is time?
Maybe time is something that isn't real.
Maybe everyday is the same day.
Just that things are placed differently.
That when we awake, the things that we do are preprogrammed.
And the things that we have done are just memory inputs to make us believe that we have done them.
And the dreams that we dream make us believe that we are doing them.
And that it is a brand new day. A different day. A new date. A different hour. A different season.
But it actually is the same day.
The same photo frame but with a different picture.
Aiyar, whatever la. I'm writing bullshit cause I have nothing else to write.
I'm just feeling shitty.
Posted by