La di dum.
This sucks.
I have/ can't post pics.
27 October, 2003
11 October, 2003
We all need a little promting from God sometimes.
Know that He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
I love God.
I know He loves me too.
Sometimes, we have to let go of the past.
The past that haunts us everytime .
You got to be strong. Have faith and most importantly,
Because with God. your burdens are lightened, not gone.
With God, You can pull through these burdens.
With God, anything is possible.
-Chill all.
Posted by
08 October, 2003
It's late.
I haven't posted something this late in a long while.
But i just needed to start writing. About what i have no clue.
I just needed to escape to some place where i could let my mind wonder off into a distant place.
I miss God.
It's funny how it is.
You look at the world.
You study economics, finance, accounting and you see how the world works that way.
You study, get a degree, get a job and then maybe get married.
But there must be more to life than that right?
I've always felt an emptiness inside of me.
Of late it's grown bigger and this void is slowing consuming my whole being.
I don't know why. I just know that God is there, to guide us along the way to what we have to accomplish.
He gives us choices.
He gives us strength to do the things we do.
He gives us life.
And yet sometimes i cannot find the scent of Him.
It seems to hide from me. Or just me hiding from it. Hiding from Him.
I'm afraid of Him. Yet i know that He is merciful and loving.
I see the world and all it's amazing things. And then I see the pain of the world.
A world devoid of Love. A world where we shed each others blood, where we divide ourselves in race, religion and language.
A world where there is so much potential but we misuse them.
Often before i sleep at night i think about God.
I try to seek Him out.
I try to listen for Him.
But i fail.
I fall from grace because i give up.
Because i get tired easily and don't pray at night.
Because of the things i do and the things i say.
Because for every lie that i speak i drive the nail in his palms deeper.
For every curse i use i am cursed ten fold.
God Is Love.
But do we really believe that?
Do the Chirstians and Catholics around the world truly understand why they Love God?
I know I don't. And yet i have that yearning to find out.
That for every blessing i have God is there.
My family.
My friends.
My life.
All life comes from Him.
I know it.
There's more in my life and something i have to do for Him.
I'm just not too sure what it is.
My heart beats for Him.
It yearns for an answer.
I guess i have to just keep listening.
Listening for God.
Posted by
05 October, 2003
I is back from me trip.
It's amazing how one week passes by so fast when you're on holidays.
And even more amazing how work piles up when you don't even go to school.
Anyway i must admit i did have a great time in Adelaide.
It's wasn't as wild as i'd thought it would be but i found time to enjoy and appreciate some things.
The weather for one was excellent. Cool. Well fucking cold actually.
And i didn't bring any sweater so yea...go figure the rest.
I met up with my aunt and uncle on seperate occassions.
They're alright. Divorced now and each having their own bf/gf respectiviely.
-shrugs- Don't ask me. I was just there to have fun.
My cousins. Well. They're alright. Manage to meet their friends and all.
I must say they're (cousins) pretty independent people now.
One's 21 and the others 16. Both doing their own thang.
The elder one's got her own place. Neat. Hell yea especially when you pay only $50 bucks rent a week.
The younger one stays at her mum's but mum isn't at home most of the time you see..
So yea, it's pretty much her place..
Had a party on Friday. Got really pissed. Like totally fucking pissed.
Had like 6 lemon archers. Downed erm..too many glasses of red wine...
Some Smirnoff and what do you get? -smug- Moii talking crap.
Well. Come'on. Everyone was wasted that night. But it was good fun yea.
No orgies or dope or shit like that. Just good clean fun.
R&B was blasted, some Hip-Hop some alternative and some dance.
Awesome shit really......
Ah vell. So here I am back in good'ol brissie.
It's school tomorrow so fuck that.
Other than the thought of exams and assignments and shit like that..
It's good to be back...
I've got internet access again...
Porn here I come.
Just kidding about the porn.
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