Heading down to Adelaide for a week for those of you who've forgotton!
Chill ya'll.
28 September, 2003
27 September, 2003
Sometimes in life.
You wonder.
What is your purpose.
Who are you suppose to please and how do you actually live life?
What is the correct way to live life?
I don't know really.
I don't have all the answers to all or any actually.
I'm only so far in life...which isn't very far if you come to think about it.
Sometimes people forget that you love someone so much
Sometimes people take others for granted..
Thinking that they'll always be there...
But we are often worng.
And it's so sad.
So much can happen in a day.
Yet there's so little time to express everything.
In words. In thoughts. In writings.
Sometimes we regret the things we have done.
And mess up the things we ought to do.
And at other times. We don't bother about anything.
Till it's too late.
My heart is heavy.
I'll be flying off to Adelaide on Sunday morning and it's suppose to be a fun trip.
But of late, back home, shit has hit the fan.
And it smells pretty bad.
So that enthusiasm that i've had has dwindled.
My heart is heavy.
And i am sad.
But life has to go one right?
Posted by
25 September, 2003
Ho ho ho.
What a fucking joke.
I passed my accounting paper.
I actually got 32/50.
Like I said..."The Lord Works In Mysterious ways."
Posted by
Read my last rights
Before I am born
Nothing seems innocent anymore
Look mama look how I fall
Separate myself from reality
As I hit the ground
And scream myself to death
Salvage cannot be found
Burn this house down
My lips became profound
Usage of words
Turned upside down
Ears on the telephone
Rape my senses
Through a cordless hinge
The numbers and pretenses
Break me from myself
I sink in selfish wealth
All of my everything is gone
Nothing can come between
Hello. No one can heard me
Because no words are coming out
I become choked of air
And drown in self despair
Posted by
23 September, 2003
I did the most amazing thing ever.
I completed my Accounting project.
In one day.
Posted by
21 September, 2003
Hey ya'll..
It's certainly been a while since i last updated.
Just finished my exams this week...
Well..I guess you can say that it wasn't too bad...cept for one..-grumbles-
Anyway this is the last week of school before the Mid-Semester break.
I'll be flying to Adelaide to chill with my cousin whom I haven't seen for three years..
Hopefully it'll be a good trip to allow me to relax and unwind...
Talking about unwinding...please don't kill yourself while skateboarding ember..-bish-
I've been thinking about home lots of late. Things are going pretty okay except for some minor complains here and there about people..
As for my grandparents..really miss them much. Both have been sick of late and I feel really uneasy about it. I do fear the worse because they're really really getting old and they've suffered health set backs these past few months...-sigh-
Oh well..just pray for the best i guess. When you gotta go, y ou gotta go. =/
Chill all.
Posted by
13 September, 2003
I am so fucked for my Accts.
Actually, fucked is an understatement.
Why did i take Accts again?
If i can get 10 out of 50 it'll be a miracle.
So help me God.
My calculator was worthless.
Posted by
12 September, 2003
11 September, 2003
"Oh how lovely spring is...
The birds chirping..
Flowers blooming...
Insects crawling all over..."
But seriously, fuck spring.
For those of you who have this notion that spring is oh-so-lovely think again.
I was walking home from school today and i got a tann. Yes. During spring.
A bloody tann. And all this weather change happened over night.
It's like still cool during the day on one day and suddenly the next day a whole new season of weather hits you smack right in the face.
-Wails- I want winter back. I want the cold nights where i can sleep and not complain.
I want the days where i have cold air blowing in my face instead of hot, like scorching hot, wind blowing at me.
Yes i whine. But with a good cause too. I got sun burned. O_o
Anyway, i've been hanging out with this indian guy whom i've met recently.
And like what the fuck man. He's like a walking hormone. He's like hey look at that chick. Look at her boobs.
"Look at her Butt."
"They don't like to wear bras"
"They have nice tits"
"Do you know that in newspapers they have sex services"
"I wonder what it's like to get laid by an ang moh"
Like oh gawd...He's 27 and is gonna get married. He's engaged and he's behaving like a sex retard who's never seen ang mohs with huge ba-dang-dangs before. What's more shocking is that I hang out with him. =/ Well it's not like I can help it yo. I'm in the same Math lecture as him and in the same econs tuitorial as him. So that dude is like unavoidable. I tried. Believe me i tried to break off but i've been sucked in by some hairy indian power. -shakes head-
Oh well.
Gonna shower and rush out for a movie.
I think it's Pirates of the Carribean:Curse of the Black pearl.
Chill ya'll.
Posted by
10 September, 2003
I'm awake! Well...halfway there.
I actually slept for more than 12 hours. -gasp-
And i seriously need to get down to studying some serious shit soon.
-heaves a sigh-
Anyway i've been reading peoples blogs and it's that period again where everyone's in that
totally depressed mood. It seems to me like since getting themselves attached or something equivalent makes people stumble and fall over tha emotions that blow into their faces. I would've thought that one might have expected relationships to be thus and not some sweet fairy tale that always turns out perfect.
It's really disturbing i guess. But right now. I just can't seem to bring myself to actually worry about that cause i've got other stuff to worry about like my papers coming up. Somehow i find it a good therapy to keep oneself occuppied when one is in distress. But then again that's the problem with guys. We're not in the face when it comes to emotions and try to prolong the after effects of it. Where else in the case of girls. They handle it there and then. Yet sometimes, it just kills them and silently eats them up. Like ember, she does express it outwardly in her blogs and all but whatever is eating her is really eating her so much. It's hard to say what exactly it is cause only she will understand what she's going through. -pat- .....hey wait a minute why am i even talking about relationships here?
School's in three hours time. Long day today. I finish at 6pm. I missed dinner yesterday so i guess i'll prolly be eating quite substantially later on. But then again who cares. After all i'm already used to the fact that i only eat one meal a day. Oh well.
I just can't wait for this month to end. I is flying down to Adelaide for a holiday. Cousin there is prolly going to take me around and stuff like that. Just hope she doesn't crash her car when i'm in it. =x
Posted by
09 September, 2003
Aye. The book so far is really good.
Nothing like a little Mother Confessor and Richard Cypher to entertain you.
Alas The week of exams have begun.
A dark cloud looms over Sir Fred Schonell
And the races prowl with watchful eyes over those who flicker
Magic webs around fragile fingers
And fear wraps around every timid peasant.
The task is arduous but not impossible.
One question begets another.
And so it hath begun.
Bah. I'm so fulla shit.
It's only mid semester exams. -fart-
Just hope everything turns out well.
And babuey, please get well soon.
I miss you so much.
Posted by
07 September, 2003
I couldn't resist. And i got the book.
I have something to read.
To keep me alive.
Posted by
05 September, 2003
Aye good morning.
As i type this half of you who actually bother to read this would prolly still be asleep.
What am I doing up so early you might ask.
Why am i even up at such an unusual time for someone like me...
Well that's cause I didn't sleep.
Yep. You heard me right, I didn't sleep.
I just find it such a waste of time.
And time I have not.
I have a lecture in an hour and I guess it's like the first of many which i actully endeavour to go for.
If i wasn't i'd prolly stone at home like a mangled cadaver. -ouch-
Anyway i just had sultana brand ceral oh and with rasins too.
Nice especially with cold milk.
A tasty breakfast for me.
Later in the afternoon there's a squash session planned.
My housemates organized it i think..and they dragged my ass along..
BUT being me i'd prolly just sit one side and pretend to be ignorant of what the hell's going on...
But hey t hen again i am rather ignorant of many things...
Bah. I guess i'd check the martial arts dojo. I do believe they have a Judo training session going on at around 6pm.
It'd certainly be interesting to see what the standard is..
I'm thinking it's good cause apparently the Sensi is a Kodokan trained Judoka...-impressed-
I'm gonna get ready for school.
Have a fantastic day ya'll.
And enjoy. Cause the weekend's here.
The morning sun is up you see
But I slept
It did not wait for me
It nudged me with prodding beams
But I hid my head under blankets and dreams
I reckoned I’d awake in time
To blend in to Life’s rhetoric rhymes
Posted by
03 September, 2003
-Cracks fingers-
Again it's late. Like fucking late to be exact.
I didn't really have a choice tonight because i just had to do my accounts practice.
Actually, it was amusingly fun yet oddly confusing....an erratic concoction of what happens when you don't do tuitorials on time.
-sighs- Now i've gotta get solutions from my teacher. -bugger-
Hrmm...as of now i'm feeling kinda...i don't know really.
It's just that feeling when you get when you're all alone...
No not depression nor nostalgia...i fucking can't put a finger on it...
But yeah it's definitely some kinda feeling....
Maybe something that i'll not be able to fathom untill a while...
But if/when i do i'll let people know...
Painful progress is what I'm making in trying to lighten the burden of exams..
That's one reason why i'm up late as well...but then again since when the hell have i ever slept early?
The only thing that keeps me from becoming a mental nutcase is the thought of me flying home at the end of the year...
That i think is the ultimate motivation...the yearning to wanna be with people whom you truly cherish and love
It fucking keeps me alive.
Oh and to Spice. In my opinion..
The best thing you can give to anyone is Trust. With Trust you are able to give Time, freely. With Time and Trust you enhance the ability to endure each others imperfection and accept each others simplicities which in return cultivates something called Love. With Trust, Time and that something called Love, you become more confident with yourself and the people around you and thus become able to nature the emotions and expressions that eventually spawn the feeling of Love. Love without feeling is just a word......
But then again what the fuck do i know...i'm stoned and horny..
Ah well.
Time to sleep.
God bless ya' all.
Posted by
01 September, 2003
Dear whoever reads this,
it's come to my attention that i have three mid semester exams.
Not two. But three. Yes it's snowballed. Worried I am for the fact that I didn't realise i had three.
Worried I am for the fact that I've been in school barely a month and i have 3 exams to cope with.
What is stress. Stress is when you look at your work piling up on top of projects and on top of mid semesters. Not final exams but mid semesters. Stress is when you realise you have 2 weeks till your first paper and you haven't started shit.
Panic is when you open your text and realise you don't recognize shit.
Fuck up is when you go for tuitorials and you don't know shit.
But thank God i'm only one of the above.
Figuring out which catagory i fall into is your job.
Went to the River Festival on Sat.
Basically it was fire works fireworks fireworks display.
But nothing as good as what we have back in SIngapore.
I must say that Singapore doesnt spare any expenses when it comes to National day fireworks.
Well done Singie. And people think Singlish is our first language. Well done Singie again.
Spiders. When you think of them do you make a face...squirm?
Well what if you had to live with them. Yep
That's this little house i'm in now. Spiders spiders galore.
And some can be sooo tiny and yet some can be as wide as your palm.
So yeah go figure. But i guess as long as they dun bug me i'll be fine.
Anyway my gf's gone for a three day chalet.
That means no talking to her for three days.
-depressed i am-
And well.
Happy Birthday to Blackz. 21 he is, finally.
After all i guess he is still a friend.
And we've been through enough.
Though tides change dude, you do know where true friends are.
Congrats to DrAkE on the job.
Decent money for now.
Happy o Sal cause her darlings' employed.
Chill fuz. What's done is done.
As for me.
I'm gonna sleep.
At 1pm.
Then i'm gonna wake up...
and hopefully get down to mugging...
Posted by