Dreaming my precious hours away
In a far off memory where we used to play
When winds blew smiles onto our faces
And fingers entwined in sweet embraces
Dreaming my precious hours away
In simple pleasures
A whisper
A kiss
A hug
And nostalgic feelings that lasted all day.
Who dreams their precious hours away
Or drown in love that’s gone astray
Where is that memory we played in
That perfect love was only a dream.
29 August, 2003
28 August, 2003
It's an early night today.
Or so it seems...
School was shit boring as usual...
Accounting Lecture is getting more and more complicated in terms of information and application...God Bless me.
Went to catch a movie today:Buffalo Soldiers - If you've been keepin tabs, i have been watching movies more often then when i'm back in Singapore...apart from the cheap ticket price of $6 (yes, weep people..weep) there's really nothing else to do...
The show was urm, interesting if i might say so. Have a watch yo.
Finding Nemo is just coming out here tomorrow...how pathetic...then again they do have many loserish Australian movies so what the hell..
Mars was suppose to be it's brightest today and though i rave about the many bright and sparkling stars here in Aussie, Mars was somewhere out there over the picket fences and vineyards hidden behind the orange grove and no where to be seen...sad ain't it.
Ah vell, as the saying goes, you win some you lose some. In this case i just lost oh lemme see...another few million years till the next time an amzing phenomenon like this happens..sigh.
It was unusually cold for a spring day today. Been trying to think of ways to get that metabolism of mine going and nothing seems to be attracting my interest except for: Judo. I've been thinking of it lots these past few days. I don't know why...I'm really excited at the possibility of continuing my judo again and whilst my body's all geared up to start slamming and getting slammed again, my shoulder's saying waaaait a minute...
Hrm I guess i'll just be doing Kata and no randori for me.
-deep sigh-
Oh well i guess it's late..
Exams are nearing...
Leaves are growing...
And this lil'chink's heading straight to bed...
Or something like that...
Ahh Fuck it..
I don't give a shit already...
"When all hope is gone, when you feel that your life is coming to an end, take a deep breadth, relax, enjoy the moment and wank."
Posted by
27 August, 2003
It's 330am now.
Quiet as usual.
Everyone's asleep except me again.
My eyes are strained from staring at the computer for too long..
And my back aches from the awkward position that i'm sitting in..
I realise that the weeks pass by rather fast when i'm here..
Though morbid and uninteresting they pass quickly..
I guess that's good considering the fact that I look forward to going home..
And bad cause that means my exams are drawing nearer...
School after a month is still rather the same..
No new friends, if any at all...
And lessons and assignments come and go as each day passes...
Hrmm..and i realise that i haven't gone for any Economics lecture thus far..
Oh i need to cut my hair.
It's starting to look like Liam Gallagher 's hair...
-messes hair-
I honestly don't see what's the problem though..
Ah vell.
Time to sleep.
Oh wait...do pray that DrAkE gets a job soon.
Cause i'm still waiting for him to fulfill his promise to fly up here to visit me.
Right then, time to flee to my quiet little place
In this quiet little place
I can't remember having known a different pace
In this quiet little place
I can surrender to the beauty of its face
In this quiet little place
You run your fingers through my hair and whisper "Hey"
And no matter how I try
I can't seem to think of anything better to say
Quiet Little Place by K's Choice
Posted by
24 August, 2003
And photograph your hidden place
Would I find you smiling in the picture
I don't know what you want
Because you don't know,
So what's the point of asking
You're almost happy
Almost content
But your head hurts
Far too many ways to go
We learn so much but never know
Where to look
Or when we should stop looking
I can love the whole of you.
Almost Happy by K's Choice
Posted by
23 August, 2003
The time now is 0510am.
Odd hours i do sleep indeed.
But I just can't help it..a bad habit it is.
Anyway nothing much happened today.
Woke up late and missed my Mircoeconomics lecture as normal.
Rushed down for my tuitorial and did my test which i think i'm gonan flunk...-mutters-
Went to meet my cousin at Queen's St. Or Town as one would call it here.
Haven't seen her in a while but well she's pretty much the same. Well maybe just slightly slimer. SLIGHTLY.
Went to catch a movie with my housemates there after: The Italian Job.
It's the usual thief kinda flick but Charliez Theron did sizzle up the screen with her great bod as usual...
I just looked through MSNBC as well and found some articles with regards to the War in Iraq, It did get me going...
All that stuff bla bla bla and well i decided to write a little something...
Many wars have been fought throughout different generations; freedom, greed, racial discrimination, religious discrimination so on and so forth. The reasons are many and so are those who have sacrificed themselves for whatever or/and whoever they believed in. In my dumbass opinion, a war is like the economics of man’s insatiable power and righteousness. There will always be the supply of war and the demand of war. And yes, there certainly is a price to pay for war. Be it actual capital that we’re talking about and most talked about or simply the lost of lives. We could even call these lives depreciation value; physical capital which wear out over a period of time. After all these soldiers who barge their way into another’s country cost money and so does whatever ammunition, clothing and other war necessity which they require. There is no profit made and indeed the opportunity cost of war would certainly amount to that of titanic proportions.
It's just an introduction to a slightly longer essay of bullshit.
Tell me what you think. If it's shit just say so.
I don't care really.
Time to sleep.
TIme is 0517am.
The Sun's coming up soon.
Posted by
22 August, 2003
it's 315am now.
Just finished with my Math and my Econs revision.
It's unbelievable i tell you.
Just about a month into school and already my exams are coming up.
I guess i'm a little worried cause it's certainly been a while since i last cramped so much information in such a short time...
I just hope that i do good..
Anyway, newsflash..
Yep, Pauline Hanson is in jail!
YAY! To hell with racism and the One Nation Party.
Fuck that shit really.
Apparently she's been convicted of mis-using funds..
And she's still got one more trial with regards to the actual number of supporters that actually backed her One Nation Idea..
She did lie....
What do we do with liars? Burn them burn them burn them to hell!
Anyway, good on DrAkE for ORDing...waking up time i guess now that NS is over..time to decide what to do in life...
Mr Fat Bastard good on ya for scoring try after try! You already sound pro! -sniggers-
As for Mr MIA. I guess he's leading the life now. New gf all....just don't fucking forget us.
Yea. That's about it. Sleep time.
Miss you all terribly.
Peace out.
This time it's on my own.
Minutes from somewhere else.
Somewhere I made a wish with Lucky Denver Mint.
Hurry go on ahead.
Good things won't let you wait.
I'll catch up when we get home.
At home I'll leave.
A dollar under water keeps on dreaming for me.
You're not bigger than this, not better.
Why can't you learn.
Lucky Denver Mint by Jimmy Eat World
Posted by
21 August, 2003
20 August, 2003
Just got back from Accts lecture.
Topic of the day: Budgeting for financial planning.
Wasn't all that bad. The lecturer was rather interesting. China made too.
Anyway, saw lots of wildlife in school today, again.
I'm begining to really think that the campus was previously a Zoo.
There are like sooo many Ducks/Turkeys/Turkey look-alikes etc etc etc...
Gosh! And if you actually bother to sit near benches where they gather they'd actually swaddle towards you for food.
Orrr even as you walk along the path way which leads to another place you'd see ducks sitting along the edge of the pathways and when you're walking towards them they get up instantly and walk towards you like they're expecting you to feed them...what if i killed one of them instead and made duck rice...Hrmmm.... -contemplates-
Anyway, it was cold today. And i wore slippers. So my toes were like tingling and all.
Couldn't really feel them while i was walking home...was afraid that some of them would fall off as well...
-checks and counts- well, they're all still there...
Oh and i nearly got ran over by a Jeep today; they have many jeeps in Brisbane and i nearly got ran over by one of the big ones...
Why?...cause i was looking at stars...yes. Star dreaming you might call it. But i couldn't help it really. The sky here has so many blinking stars! It's like really bad dandruff on black hair =x
But yea, well..i guess i'll try not to look up too much. Might get killed one day O_o
Anyway, i'm like blasting music at this moment. EMO
It's in my blood.
Chill guys.
Peace out.
Posted by
19 August, 2003
Who ever knew that the first thing that you eat for the day can turn out so bad...
I bought two spring rolls today after school...
Ya know it was suppose to be chow time so i decided to eat light today....
Instead of enjoying the meal i ended up forcing myself to stomach two fucking salt rolls...
I was like what the fuck!...If you think salt water is salty wait till you try UQ's very own refect "Spring rolls"
Honestly i do believe that the people who made it actually pissed in it...thus adding to da flavour...
Well yea...
I ate both of it...
Afterall, who else on Earth would buy two puny spring rolls for A$5.70
Springrolls oh Springrolls
what are they stuffing you
Posted by
17 August, 2003
It is 0611am now.
Yet again i ought to be sleeping
But i've been doing econs for the past few hours..
Distractions in the form of hunger and visitors have slowed me down...
Did i mention Hunger did cause quite a stirr too...
Most of the work is done though..
Less one more question which i shall conquer later in the day...
It's the 17th today..
My anniversary; 2years and 2months to be exact..
I should be in Singapore celebrating with my babuey but alas..
I am far away from home...I miss you love.
I will be back soon...wait for me.
It also means that I have been away from home for about a month now...
Settled I am suppose to be..
But somehow I'm still trying to place my feet on the ground...
Friends are still few and far between
And the work is starting to pile...
Tests this week...two infact..both on economics...dreadful.
It rained for a good part of the day today...
And more or less i expect it to rain later on as well...
It's good i guess..cooling off the noon day heat........
Rain makes me think of...Ember. My sister.
How her sadness bites her heart like how winter cracks the lips of people...
And how no one understands how she feels like how no one will truly understand the victims of rape...
The raping of the heart...
The nakedness, sadness and confusion...
But eventually the rain has to make way for the sun..
And eventually all will be well again....
A Revival of emotions. Of hope. And of all the many M&M's alike that you will meet...
And you better start eating again.....and proper meals too.
It's 0628 now.
The Sun's up.
Chirping can be heard..
Vehicles can be seen...
A taste of a brand new day..
New hope....
New expericences...
Fuck that.
Time to sleep.
Posted by
16 August, 2003
It's 330am now.
It's a little chilly..
I should be sleeping by it's too quiet.
None of the usual bickering between my brothers can be heard..
The usual nagging of my mum is also amiss...
Strangely it's almost surreal..
But it is real..
The weather's slightly warmer than previous weeks..
During the day of course..
Springs' coming soon.
The winds have taken a toll on my skin making it dry..
My soles are worn out from the constant walking to and fro from school..
My mind's clouded from the lectures and tuitorials that seem like blabber and gibberish to me..
Listening to The Promise Ring now...sweet.
Manage to finally download a Jejune song...
Hialeah / Solar / Same to You
EMO is sweet poetry.
The kids are all swimming in shallow ponds. I'm neck deep in ashes of broken dreams. I burn for you and drown in you so wait, turnaround, and stay. now your eyes stray from me. I fell from grace. I'm weighted and sinking and washed away.
Morale is low by Jejune
Posted by
14 August, 2003
I'm just home now.
School was for an hour today.
Morning class so the afternoon's pretty free.
Suppose to be studying but I just can't get myself down to work...
Been listening to EMO lots. Music that speaks to me...
Yeah that's me..I let the songs do the talking for me...
Different tunes at different times of the day for a different me...
Right now...i'm just in a..whatever man..that kinda mood...i guess i've been thinking about stuff lots lately...
Maybe i'll head down to school and take pictures of turkey's that roam freely around campus...
Drown yourself in bread and coffee
Fast forward right through the news
We spend weeks just window shopping
What else can we really do?
We could be anybody
Every time you take the water
We are too afraid to smile
Our faces turn transparent paper glass after a while
We see everybody
It's a long distraction between our satisfactions
Any good time should be just rolling by
Now the bees are indicators
Maybe we should go outside.
A fire drill keeps humming
There are floods that change the tide
There's one day for everybody
We are pairs of apple lions
Starved for clothes that we could wear
Long strings of double lookers
Easy listeners everywhere
We could be anybody
It's a long distraction between our satisfactions
Any good time should be just rolling by
We keep a graveyard of ships sunk in glass
The silverware is buried out back
It's a long distraction between our better actions
Any good time should be just rolling by
Bread and Coffee by The Promise Ring
Posted by
13 August, 2003
Yesh i just came home from clubbing not too long ago.
It was at this place called DOME. It was like a UQ/QUT combined party kinda shit.
Not too bad i guess. They spinned retro/techno and some R&B.
The crowd was pretty much almost all Singaporeans la (URgH)
As usual, lamers/poseurs/those who can't dance/and those Ricky Martin wannabies...
Anyway, something unusual happened today.
I got picked up by some.....-drum roll please- GUY!!!
Yeah i was like shooting pool with my friend when he just came over to me held my hand and went,'So which balls are you playing."
LIke BLOODY HELL!!!!! And of course i declined politely. (-throws up-)
Yeah..man...I feel i got the Teck Boon Bug. But hey..i don't look gay....do i?
Anyway i got my 18+ card done as well.
It's some identity shit which you use to prove that you're 18 and above..
So that clubs dun bug you about any identification and you don't have to carry your passport along.
Well...it should have been an easy thing to do but there was this one bitch who wouldn't listen to what i have to say and we nearly ended up arguing. Thank God for another lady who was nicer though, she agreed to process my application and i got my 18+card.
YAwn. yeah time to sleep.
see it around me, I see it in everything.
I could be so much more than this.
I said my goodbye's this is my sundown.
I'm gonna be so much more than this.
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.
No one cares.
I need you to show me the way from crazy.
I wanna be so much more than this.
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.
With one hand high, you'll show them your progress.
You'll take your time, but no one cares.
No one cares.
I could be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I could be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
No one cares.
I wanna be so much more than this.
Good goodbye lovely time.
Good goodbye tin sunshine.
Good goodbye I'll be fine.
Good goodbye, good goodnight.
My sundown by Jimmy Eat World
Posted by
12 August, 2003
Clip art had a whole new meaning..
Hrmm. Nothing much today.
Just went to this place called Indooroopilly (pronounced In-drew-pilly) to get a belt.
I bought a new pair of Billabong jeans see, and it's kinda huge for me. So yea, I got myself a belt.
A red one too. Came home and slept after that. Nothing exciting really. -yawn-
My new belt was over polished...
What’s wrong baby, don’t they treat you like they should?
Did you take ’em for it?
Every penny that you could?
We once walked out on the beach and once I almost touched your hand.
Oh how I dreamed to finally say such things then only to pretend.
Don’t you know I’m thinkin’, drivin’ 405 past midnight.
You know I miss you.
Don’t you know that I miss you?
Ninth and Ash on a Tuesday night.
I would write to you from a museum mile, toast to you:
your whisper, your smile.
Up the stairs at the Weatherford, a ghost each place I hide.
If you don’t don't know, why would you say so?
Would you mean this please if it happens?
If you don’t know, why would you say so?
Won’t you get your story straight.
If you don’t know, honey, why'd you just say so?
And I need this now more than I ever did.
If you don’t well, honey, then you don’t.
I left you waiting, at the least could we be friends?
Should have never started, ain’t that the way it always ends?
On my life I'll try today, there’s so much I've felt I should say, but.
Even if your heart would listen, doubt I could explain.
If you don't don't know, why'd you say so?
Would you mean this please if it happens?
If you don’t know, why would you say so?
Won’t you get your story straight.
If you don’t know, honey, why'd you just say so?
Cause I need this now more than I ever did.
If you don’t well, honey, then you don’t.
So here we are now, a sip of wine a sip of water.
Someday maybe, maybe someday we’ll be smarter.
And I’m sorry that I’m such a mess, I drank all my money could get and,
took everything you let me have and then I never loved you back.
If you don’t don't know, why would you say so?
Would you mean the please if it happens?
If you don’t know, why would you say so?
Won’t you get your story straight?
If you don’t know, honey, why'd you just say so?
Cause I need this now yeah need this, need this.
If you don’t well, honey, then you don’t
And if you don’t well, honey, then you don’t
If you don’t know, honey, honey, then you don’t.
If You don't don't by Jimmy Eat World
Posted by
11 August, 2003
Yep. I watched American Pie 3: The American Wedding today.
It was absolutely hilarious! 0_o
And I swear Stiffler was the main character of the show! -WHoooO-
Too bad you guys gotta download it back home. =x
Pretty much about it my Sunday.
Oh i did a bit of grocery shopping as well. Churned up slightly more than $50 worth of meat/veggies and whatever you can think off.
But hey, i share the grub with two other housemates so i guess it's not really that much, right?
Oh well, gotta sleep.
Another week of school tomorrow. But thank goodness for the Wed public holiday. It's a life saver!
Chill ya'll!
This coming Tuesday night's entertainment...
Perks of joining a lameass society club...
Posted by
10 August, 2003
Wassup people.
First of all Happy National Day to one and all.
Nope i am not becoming over zealous about men in uniform marching and the PAP but you know, serving National Service does make you look back and think before making any unwanted judgemental remarks about our homeland like fuck national service and all that kinda crap...Oops times up. Fuck National Service.
Anyway, went for a party today, yes yes a NATIONAL DAY party, but what the hell. I was invited by no other than -drum roll please- CHOY MAY..yep, the one and only CHOY MAY. All thanks to Mr Fazil Musa too cause he gave her my number and she actually bothered to call. -impressed- Well yea, it wasn't a very happening party but she did endeavour to help me expand my social circle in Brissy but ha! i guess it did fail miserably. -rolls eyes- What's new. Really i aint' the social animal my brother is but i guess i'll manage when the time comes...when it comes..if it comes..at all. Oh..i did get to know this guy called Mark who's doing his final semester here and he happened to be in the SSS...Singapore Student Society...(a lameass jackshit club which i happen to be in as well by the way) and it so happen that there was a party at this place called Auroras as well. So yea getting back to friendly old Mark..he offered me a ride..(Not that kinda ride you're thinking of Fazz and Tim) cause he was one of the council fuckhead members and was on his way. So i oblidged. Yay. Money saved. <---Okay that sounded reaally gay? -shudders-
Ya. So i ended up at Auroras, by myself...cause my housemates TUAed me. They argued you see. So neither of them decided they wanted to tag along. It was a dinner, pretty okay place. Good dance club but the damn food sucked. $25 gone down the drain. Lame ass food with lovely Singaporean poseurs/hongster sauce to finish the night. Yep. What a dinner.
Yeah that's pretty much how my day went by...
Oh and Mark did mention that he and another friend do play touch rugby during the weekends as well. How about that?
-YAWN- Gotta sleep now...
Miss you guys heaps and heaps. Wish you were all here to enjoy/be sad together with me.
Posted by
09 August, 2003
I miss everyone.
I think the night does get to me.
It's when it's quiet and all that my mind listens to the silent whispers.
I miss I miss...
So much emotion yet so little expressions.
Posted by
08 August, 2003
05 August, 2003
Hi folks.
Well nothing much today.
Just to let the whole world know that I swallowed a mosquitoe today.
How did i do that..well..i was talking to my friend...and it fucking flew in.
And er..i swallowed it.
That's the most interesting thing that has happened in my life since i stepped foot on Brissy.
Wonder what the hell is gonna fly in next...hrmm..
To ember. Who's hurting like hell. Well. Whatever it is, let it go.
Just be strong for yourself. And remember, though you still don't believe. God is there for YOU.
To my babuey. I miss you heaps. Like tonnes and tonnes. Everything I do reminds me of you.
I wish you were here.
To my brothers/Bruddas...quit wanking so much...
Posted by