Da mole's back.
Nubbad a weekend this has been.
Apart from the working on Sat everything's turning out..well. -Peachy-
I guess good things did happen, eventually.
Went to watch HULK on Sat at Plaza Sing.
Saw some shocking stuff whilst waiting for the movie.
It's like, some people have NO shame. NONE.
You'd think some people would tend to feel embarassed. Well apparently not is this case.
And there wasn't only ONE. But TWO of them.
Anyhow, after all that excitement HULK turned out to be a rather morbid show.
Apart from the animal trashing, jaw breaking, tank thumping, green mutant "flying" stint,
It wasn't much really.
The para shit was more entertaining.
Sunday was chill day.
The usual routine. Church/Lunch/Bowling/CSing..oh wait...NON routine SOCCER.
Went down to meet Fang and Fatz. Apparently SOMEBODY decided to fall asleep on his bruddas.
Actually, can't blame the poor bugger, the NO CHiONGING life has got his body clock all screwed up.
Went to chill with my bro after. And his friend. Went to the kopitiam just behind Mr Bean's cafe.
Pretty neat place. All the fanciful cars/SOME hot chicks/ and a whole load of damn good food.
Well yea. That's pretty much this weekend. -yawn-
4 more days to freedom.
2 more weeks till i fly.
Grandma's better now.
Yea, I guess everything's good again.
30 June, 2003
27 June, 2003
Been fighting battles within myself lately. Tough shit.
My surroundings haven't been very encouraging either.
My grandma's sick. Very sick. Yet I try to be optimistic about it.
The world. Well, as i said before. The world has gone absolutely mad.
You have father's throwing off their babies out of windows.
They(the fathers) should be thrown off the building. Naked.
I sure hope that something good happens soon.
This molencholy is really getting to me.
Soon i'll prolly be nothing but a pile of pEssimistic shit.
Posted by
24 June, 2003
I was angry today. Upset and pissed.
But through all these imperfections of mine..
i've always believed and asked...
for others
with our hearts...
And that we have got to be true to ourselves..always.
"You got to be fair to her, if you don't love her, you got to tell her..." - quote from Jerry Maguire
Posted by
23 June, 2003
Nothing much this weekend.
Just some clubbing on Sat.
Didn't really enjoy it much though.
Way too much on my mind.
Oh and Jolene came back. Managed to see her at Cheeky's too. She looks the same as before but she isn't the same.
People really do change when the fly eHz.
Sunday was Church/bowling day.
A hobby picked up recently for god-knows-what apparent reason.
Not too bad. My style ain't that bad afterall.
Went to my babe's house after. Nice dinner. Nice time. Just chilled really.
It's been a week of break-ups as well. Heard that two of my bro's friends just splitted.
Sad/disheartened/fucked? Whatever really. Life will go on.
Gonna be a busy week/Exercise week. -Bummer- It's gonan be hell.
But then again, it's my last week in the shit hole.
Ooo the taste of freedom. So close. Yet, so far.
Aight, nuff of bullshitting. Time to catch some shut eye.
Peace ya'll.
when we met light was shed
thoughts free flow you said you've got something
deep inside of you
a wind chime voice sound sway of your hips round rings true
echo's deep inside of you
these secret garden beams changed my life so it seems
fall breeze blows outside i don't bring stride
my thoughts are warm and they go deep inside of you
oh yeah
and i never felt alone
alright alone alone
till i met you
friends say i've changed
i don't listen cause i live to be
deep inside of you
slide of her dress shouts in darkness
i'm so alive i'm
deep inside of you
you said boy make girl feel good
but still deep inside still
i've never felt alone
till i met you
i'm alright on my own
till i met you
and i'd know what to do if i just knew what's coming
i would change myself if i could
i'd walk with my own people if i could find them
and i would say that i'm sorry to you
i'm sorry to you but i don't want to call you
but then i want to call you cause i don't want to crush you
but i feel like crushing you and it's true
i took for granted you were with me
i breath by your looks and you look right through me
but we were broken and didn't know it
but we were broken and didn't know it
but we were broken and didn't know it
but we were broken and didn't know it
right oh what's right
something's gone you withdraw and i'm not strong like before i was
deep inside of you
i can go nowhere i burn candles and stare at a ghost
deep inside of you
and some great need in me starts to bled
i've lost my self there's nothing left it's all gone
deep inside of you
deep inside of you
Third Eye Blind - Deep Inside Of You
Posted by
20 June, 2003
To my Babuey, whom i've loved since that moment you hugged me..
It has been two years.
Time seems to have passed us like the seasons that still stir the very emotions in our heart.
A time
With you
Is better than
One without
For Happiness
For Sadness
For Emotions that cannot be fathomed
One Touch
One Look
One wiff
Of you
Renders me hypnotised
For love is
Like red wine
On the tip off a tongue
Numbing all sorrow
And embracing a feeling
Not understanding
Like a foreign language
Not knowing
How it works
Why it works
But using Heart and Faith
To love
With every inch and ounce of myself
To love
Posted by
18 June, 2003
Fare thee well
Trade in all our words for tea and sympathy
Wonder why we tried, for things that could never be
Play our hearts lament, like an unrehearsed symphony
Not intend
To leave this castle full of empty rooms
Our love the captive in the tower never rescued
And all the victory songs
Seem to be playing out of tune
But it's not the way
That it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy
'Cause it's not the way
That it has to be
You begin
And all your words fall to the floor and break like china cups
And the waitress grabs a broom and tries to sweep them up
I reach for my tea and slowly drink in
'Cause it's not the way
That it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy
'Cause it's not the way
That it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy
So fare thee well
Words the bag of leaves that fill my head
I could taste the bitterness and call the waitress instead
She holds the answer, smiles and asks one teaspoon or two
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
Don't trade us for tea and Sympathy
We can work it out
Don't trade us for tea and Sympathy
Don't trade us for tea and Sympathy
We can work it out
Don't trade us for tea and Sympathy
We can work it out
Moi Birthday yesterday. Nothing much though.
Spent half the day at work and half the day at home sleeping.
I like my life. It's good. I love my family, friends and those close to my heart.
Turning 21 seemed rather normal.
But yet people recognize it as a transition from that adolescence moronic stage to that matured adult stage.
I guess i'm still caught in between them both.
Anyway i'll have all the time to "grow up" in Australia.
Turning 21 has it's perks though. MoneH.
Got lots of it. Love it. And it's mine, ALL MINE!. -laughs hysterically-
"Hey, it's all about the money!" -sings-
Oh yea, that big 21. Maybe it's not as normal as i think it is.
I guess i'll just have to wait and see.
Posted by
16 June, 2003
How about that.
I just partied.
And t'was quite happening too.
The booze was on the go.
The food was on the go.
And it helped that there weren't many people.
Actually -I- don't have THAT many friends.
But hell, I enjoyed myself.
My bruddas came.
Fang came.
Kellin (Blackz new hottie craze came)
Jim and Eh Hem HuiMin came.
Vic came...
And we started the boozing.
And urm..to round it all off.
We learnt (with disgust) what actually comes out of SIngapore's very own Merlion
Right in my very own Living room too -grumbles-
The Bouncer.
The Handsome dudes.
The hotchicks.
Chio bu No.1
Chio bu No.2
Chio bu No.3
Long party ends up with lotsa drinks.
Chio bu No.4
And finally.....
Our very own "Merlion" in the house..
Posted by
14 June, 2003
It's a Friday.
Friday the 13th too.
Nothing strange happened today.
Just the usual waking up like some blur dude and heading down to work in the morning.
Late, again.
I've realised once again, that Singaporeans have talent. Yes, T A L E N T. Singing/co-ordinating a band/guitar skills etc etc.
Local rants like HumbackOak/Lizard's Convention/Tanya Chua/Corrine May/Boredphucks/Concave Scream/The Chocolate Tigers etc really
do us proud. Music makes the world go round.
But it makes Singapore wild.
It makes Singapore's youth recognised.
Pure skills.
Pure talent.
Now, where's that coffee...
Ah..there it is
Posted by
13 June, 2003
Nothing much today.
Woke up late. As usual.
Played touch rugby in the rain.
Inertia played a big part today.
Counting down the days that i have left back here.
It's rather disheartening.
But i'll survive.
I guess.
A man and woman are getting all snugly in bed. The passion is heating up. But then the lady stops and says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me." The guy says "WHAT??" The lady explains that he must be in tune with her emotional needs as a Woman. Then he realises that nothing is going to happen tonight and he might as well deal with it. So the next day the man takes her shopping at a big department store. He walks around and has her try on three very expensive outfits. She can't decide. He tells her to take all three of them. Then they go over and get matching shoes worth $200 each, then they go to the Jewellery Department where she gets a set of diamond earrings. The lady is so excited. She thinks her guy has flipped out, but she does not care. She goes for the tennis bracket. He says "you don't even play tennis, but OK if you like it then let's get it." The woman is jumping up and down so excited she cannot even believe what is going on. She says "I am ready to go, lets go to the cash register." The man stops and says, "No, I don't feel like buying all this stuff now." The woman's face goes blank. He continues - "I just wanted you to HOLD this stuff for a while."
The look on her face is indescribable and she is about to explode. The guy says, "You need to be in tune with my financial needs as a Man".
Posted by
10 June, 2003
With all mind and soul
But no one knows
Inside it rips itself out
With my heart
Lost tenderness travelling
On bitter's cart
Innocent eyes
For emotions run high
And drop by drop
Happiness dies
For touch will be lost
Warmth and care sacrificed
But You
I will remember
I will cherish
I will love
At all cost.
Posted by
09 June, 2003
Nubbad today. Managed to wake up in time for Church even though I was really tired.
Had some Italian lunch then headed down to Bowl at katong.
Wasn’t really in the bowling mood but after sitting around for so long, doing nothing but watching the balls roll down the lane..I bowled. Tsk. The Power of Influence.
Anyhow, I’ve been fragging much lately, especially with DrAkE.
Suddenly I miss being in my old team. “[U.O.B]” That’s Union Of Bastards for those of you who are wondering what the hell it stands for.
Those were the days. Skipping lessons and CSing till we flunked (well almost) our promos. Miss those days. Really wished I could do it all over again with you bruddas.
Gonna miss hanging out wit’cha.
Hopefully when we all grow up, urm when/if that day comes, we’ll not forget the power of friendship and to put it clichely, bruddahood.
May the Bastards always live in us.
Peace, my bruddas.
Posted by
08 June, 2003
Hrm. Ya know the car that i always whine about guys?
Well, this is it.
Peugeot 206 WRC
Posted by
07 June, 2003
I've always wanted to fly as a child. Fly into the sunset with the ability to burn engines that thrust you forward at mach 2.
Posted by
04 June, 2003
Urm. Bad start to the week. Had the shits over the weekend and now i've got a bandage on my left foot due to a blister the size of a 50 cent coin.
-bummer- Hope the week's still gonna end okay though. =/
Posted by