Welcome back to justpressit folks. Hope you had a pressing good time over the weekend. I know I did at Sentosa. Finally got down to doing some tanning and swimming. I look like a cooked mole now. And with all that salt it's a wonder how my mole survived that grueling dunk in the sea. Well at least it didn't shrivel up and drop off. Yea had a pretty nice time at the beach. Soccer, swimming, bikini babes, some wholesome angs, anglets, whores, ,jeqq, food, picking oysters, boon getting picked up by chinky girls, faz sitting on my shoulders and him rubbing his scrotum behind my head....yeah i'd say it was pretty interesting.
And we all forgot about SARS. Which reminds me...don't we have a unit which uses a gun called the SAR 21 shit? -ponders- yes..indeed we do.
War...sigh. Sucks. Bush and his bullshit. Blair and his bullshit. Saddam and his shit. What's the point of the UN even trying to stop the damn warin the first place when the two Bs wanted to shatter Iraq anyway. 1441. Didn't matter really. Prove. That didn't matter too. They wanted their war, they got their war. Bombs, guns, lies and decite. They got it. Unfortunately for the US what they assumed they would be up against in Iraq turned out to be mostly wrong. Iraqi soldiers pretended to surrender. Sucide bombers were and still are on the lose. Huge resistence was met and young US and British soliders are paying for it. US$142 billion is the estimate. Tax payers money 'dumped' in Iraq. All to "Preserve the peace of mankind and the people of The United States of America" ? Horse shit i say. Horse shit. At the end of the day, the war will not be easily won, if they even win at all.
US marines and British troops die and people wail for these coalition forces, but what about the innocent Iraqis and carefree children that do not support Saddam's dictatorship? WHat about their homes? What about the oil in the country? What about their future? Will US help them rebulit Iraq? Or is the US, like what they did to Afghanistan, just leave after fighting the war?
Logically the world has gone mad.
Economically the world has gone insane.
Healthwise, and epidemic is on the brink of explosion, very much like that of the Black Plague that disloged Europe from reality during the 1940s when familes were literally being wiped out.Millions died. The world would be mad too.
How now brown cows...how now?
Oh well they say life's a bitch. But seriously, we are the real bitches in the world.
||Press Press...Sunburn. Pain.||
31 March, 2003
28 March, 2003
27 March, 2003
Just you
For All the world to see
To know
To be
For All the world to see
Mind forged desires
Unpoilished Sapphires
Never known
But thrown in fires
That rage through our veins
Pervading every single mind
For All the world to see
To see to see to see...
Posted by
20 March, 2003
Procrastination is like Masturbation. First you enjoy yourself. Then you realise you're just fucking yourself.
Bush is almost like Masturbation, he thinks he's enjoying himself but he hasn't realised He's fucking himself too.
Saddam IS just a sadistic Masturbator, he enjoys himself, he realises he's fucking himself and he's happily fucking others at the same time.
War sucks. Period.
Posted by
19 March, 2003
Ba Ba Black Sheep
Saddam's gonna weep
Bush has more than wool
And He's already lost his cool
Saddam won't disarm
America thinks He's scum
He's gonna cut your throat
Or leave and Anthrax note.
Tony Blair's in His lair
Cooking up a gentle plea
Saying "Do not vote me out you see
For grace of god and our country
Saddam must disarm
I too think He's scum"
Jack Straw's in His raw
Promoting Butt cheeks
And a War.
Ba Ba black Sheep
Realise this
Many will die
Ye four pieces of shit.
Posted by
14 March, 2003
||Mole Ho Ho||
Was looking forward to finding my UWA application in the mailbox today. Unfortunately, our oh-so-wonderful Mailman had to stuff it in a different mailbox. He misplaced the bloody thing. Period. Called my education agency to double check to see if the application was sent out, and indeed it was. On the 5th of March. Ta ma de. On a lighter note, i recieved my Tasmania application form. Was pleasantly surprised that someone out there wanted me to study in their school. BAd thing though, they start in Feb next year...i wanna leave in JULY!!! -boohoo- Oh well, so much for environmental studies.
-throws application away- And by the way, it's not the studying of plants and all that shit. It's actually called Architecture in layman's terms. But them aussies call it ES.....Still waiting for my offer for UniSA and Adelaide Uni. -tappity tap- Hope it all works out.
Suppose to be heading down to Sentosa this Sat but nothing's firm yet. Hopefully if everything works all, the weather doesn't fuck up like it did last week. I seriously need that tann too. (had nuff of looking like a malnutritioned chink)...And to sweat it out a bit. Staying in a room 24/7 not seeing sunlight for 9++hours can be derogatory for my health. And the layers around my waist start piling up as well. -squeezes fats- Yep. Need that work out.(' . ')
SIgh...the thought of leaving. Really depresses me. I'm really going to miss my broz. (DrAkE, Fat Bastard and yes you too Hairy Indian) I''m prolly going to be home sick for a while as well. And i'm going to miss my baby. -sigh- It's going to be so depressing but what choice do i have? I'm stupid. And i fucked my 'A's. Oh well, all i can say is that life's going to be so different without you guys. I hope that i dun change so much.But even if i do, i hope it'll be for the better. Hopefully. -sigh again- I hate growing up so fast. But i guess it's inevitable. -shucks- It's weird, used to think that i was still young and had hell plenty of time to do da shit that i needed to do and now...i'm going to be studying for a Degree!!! Like what the hell man. Where did all the time go. -looks around- All over i guess. All over....I'm really gonna miss you all. =/
||PRESS MOLE....YOU HAVE BEEN MOLIFIED..see, it's not such a bad thing. Right?||
Posted by
11 March, 2003
Wassup people. Been some time since I've put up quality shit here but then again what's quality when i'm writing? been boring these few days...nothing really interesting happened. Was suppose to got to Sentosa on Sat but it had to fucking rain and piss everyone off. So much for that tanning DrAkE. Guess you'll have to look like a mul-nutritioned kid for another week. Hopefully the coming Sat's not going to be a bitch. -Hrmp- Sunday was a bit more interesting. Went to DrAKE's baby's house for a BBQ. Had a wondeful time with marshmallows!! When placed over a BBQ fire, goooey they become. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside. Warm and tasty....Oh it was Angela's birthday by the way, not sallypallywally's one.
Yada. Monday sucked. Who knows what else the week's gonna hold for me? OOO so excited. -slumps on the couch-
Fuck it. Really.
Posted by
09 March, 2003
Haii..getting lazy already. Blogging to me feels like some temporary entitiy which i can unload on. Then suddenly laziness just takes over your body and you just can't be bothered to update the damn thing anymore. Either that or I'm just damn bloody lazy. =/
Posted by
04 March, 2003
Tired. Very tired.
Enchanted are we, cringed in the fingers of time,
Whose life is but a whiff,
Like a frigate in the vast open sea.
We beseech ourselves in falsified calmness,
Dip our hearts into scents of weariness,
And plague our minds into the calamity.
Frosted, bitten, our hearts bear all,
Tinkled, psyched, our souls dim,
Till an hour of infinite stop us,
And stealthily claim us away from that ambiguous sea.
Sweet Dreams All.
Posted by
03 March, 2003
||Pressss. 'I'm a Molely in a bottle you should rub me the right way' -Ahem-||
Hello all. Fuck. Woke up late today. Again. Missed morning mass and had to end up listening to 'Friar Tuck' monotonously go through his yadayadayda.
One hour of sheer morbidness. -gags-
Things got more interesting when I went to meet DrAke. Got welcomed by a sign saying "I may not look it but I'm a transvestite.' slapped onto this guy who was snoozing next to DrAke. The poor lad. Da Bimbo came shortly with her not very macho looking/cum mannerism friend. Found out she's not very intelligent when it comes to conversations and catching jokes. Played that coin game thus. The one with the ciggy and that frightful cup with ash and god knows what else went in. It didn't taste that bad really. Kinda sweet actually, till you start munching on the ash. -ack- But fun it was. And sick too. Then came Fat Bastard...with holes in his berms. At the crotch area. Two to in fact. Holes of course. Not dicks.
Drove to Poolitix there after. Scrapped the rear bumber after four guys squeezed into the back seat of Fat Bastard's Ford Laser. The suspension sucks. Or we're just too gawd damn fat. Thankfully, the car still managed to start and off we were to Poolitix with Arvil Lavinge's 'I'm with You' blasting away and us singing like we had no dicks to da song. Oh, Da Bimbo was in the front seat. (not too sure if she sang like she had no dick).
ANYWAY, pool was not too bad today. Managed to stay a couple of rounds. But yeah, was short lived. Nothing much happened. No hot chicks tonight. Only saw some ass cracks and some dude got a major weggie. -griN- Ooooo..must have been painful.
||Polishes Mole. Closing entry. Beam me up scottie!..||
"My girl has eyeballs at the back of her head, she looks around and around yeah you know it makes me quite sad. And if you see her, tell her it's over now. I want a girl who will laugh for no one else. When I'm away she never leaves da house..."
Posted by
02 March, 2003
Hrmm. Can't seem to sleep. Odd. I'm -YAWING- away but I can't sleep.
Eck. Talking to Divy now. Miss her really. Miss her shit and miss her retardedness.
She prolly misses behaving eccentricly infront of me and blowing smoke in my face.
Tainted by the sense of time,
Empty talents,
Foreboding rhymes.
Inspiration becomes a drought,
Losing all sense of thought,
Only the past becomes clear,
Sweet Reminiscence to the ear.
Sifting through this arduous task,
Time becomes frozen at long last,
My face cringes under
Uncertainty’s weight
And now I’m certain,
I am dead.
Oh well. Later. Hopefully I can catch some shut eye.
Come back soon Div. We all miss you.
Posted by
||Presses Mole for luck|| Woke up pretty late today. Was suppose to go for work but ended up sleeping in. -yawn- Thought I would have got calls from my office but HA! they didn't call me. I called them back instead. -blink blink- They told me to sleep somemore!! -proud of ownself-
My brother's girlfriend bit me...well I did call her Shitface. -innocent look- And i did try biting her back. So yea. But I've got this circular teeth mark on my right forearm. -grumbles- Ah well. Lesson learnt methinks.
Went for lunch with my baby and she took forever to come down. As always. I'm begining to suspect women have this genetic deficiency for good timing.They tell you they'll meet you at a certain time but when you actually get there at that time, they're still at home. -mutters- Had lunch, well sorta, at Coffee Club. The smoked salmon stuff was good, but sinful. Gooey with rich cream sauce, nuff to send your cholestrol sky rocketing through da roof top. The bitter ice tea was well...bitter. EVEN after dumping in like so much of sugar syrup. -cringes- It's like they grew fucking tea leaves next to bitter goud plants. -cringes more- ...Walked around abit after, saw this really sleazy tube that was perfect for a Hot sentosa beach outing. But figured that since it was white and the material was rather thin, nipples would have been the biggest and reddest attraction of the day. -Ahem- Especially when wet.
And no, it wasn't for me.
With the nipple-lation situation over, my baby scooted off to her friend's gig. I slackishly walked off to take the choo choo to meet Janice. (She's this ex KC-Katong Convent Girl who's 21 this year. Known her since secondary 2. Looks the same to me now cept that her face has somewhat turned redder. She claims that her mouth is smaller now after removing the braces, but i honestly see no difference. Called her a Chicken Backside mouth once, and oh my bloody god, don't ever do that.) Well, yea, went to meet Janice for dinner. After walking around Suntect for a bit we decided to eat at Mache's (spelling?) Food there's not that good. Well not as good as the one at HMV but i guess we didn't really have much choice. Talked abit, joked a bit, laughed a bit. Somehow, we've come to a conclusion that women like men with big bellies. She does, my baby does, heck even my 10 year old sis likes to bounce up and down on my brother's belly! -evil laugh at those guys with six packs- One pack rules!! -rubs belly- Yea, t'was a swell time i guess.
Went to meet hairy indian after. His friend was there. Can't recall his name though. -heh- Shot pretty bad pool today while they played the usual soundsat Poolitix. They've gotta change some tunes man. It's driving the crownd away. Well, some at least. The only reason why it's alive cause of the Hot Counter Chicks and da Ah Bengless and Ah Lianless ambience. Heh thank God. ....-YAWN-
Long day I guess. -YAWN-
||Rubs Mole...rubs the bite marks my hand..-grumble-||
Posted by