28 February, 2003
26 February, 2003
To all those who are trying too hard to be or do whatever ya want...Rub my Mole and Lose Yourself.
"Lose Yourself"
Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin
What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out
He's chokin, how everybody's jokin now
The clock's run out, time's up over, bloah!
Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity
Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked
He's so mad, but he won't give up that
Is he? No
He won't have it , he knows his whole back city's ropes
It don't matter, he's dope
He knows that, but he's broke
He's so stacked that he knows
When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's
Back to the lab again yo
This whole rap shit
He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
The soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping
This world is mine for the taking
Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order
A normal life is borin, but superstardom's close to post mortar
It only grows harder, only grows hotter
He blows us all over these hoes is all on him
Coast to coast shows, he's know as the globetrotter
Lonely roads, God only knows
He's grown farther from home, he's no father
He goes home and barely knows his own daughter
But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water
His hoes don't want him no mo, he's cold product
They moved on to the next schmoe who flows
He nose dove and sold nada
So the soap opera is told and unfolds
I suppose it's old potna, but the beat goes on
Da da dum da dum da da
No more games, I'ma change what you call rage
Tear this mothafuckin roof off like 2 dogs caged
I was playin in the beginnin, the mood all changed
I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage
But I kept rhymin and stepwritin the next cypher
Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper
All the pain inside amplified by the fact
That I can't get by with my 9 to 5
And I can't provide the right type of life for my family
Cuz man, these goddam food stamps don't buy diapers
And it's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life
And these times are so hard and it's getting even harder
Tryin to feed and water my seed, plus
See dishonor caught up bein a father and a prima donna
Baby mama drama's screamin on and
Too much for me to wanna
Stay in one spot, another jam or not
Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail
I've got to formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot
Success is my only mothafuckin option, failure's not
Mom, I love you, but this trail has got to go
I cannot grow old in Salem's lot
So here I go is my shot.
Feet fail me not cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got
You can do anything you set your mind to, man
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*Mole Log 2003..Initiate* Log entry number four. Logging. Logging. Nothing found. Please try again. *Retry* Ah. Fuck me. Boring day. Period. The only remotely dangerous thing that happened was that I nearly peeled my mole off my nose by accident after i ripped off duck-tape which was sercurely taped to my nose by my friend as a practical joke when I was sleeping. -rubs Mole- Still there. Good. At least I know I'm still very much the same old me. Not funny really. (I wonder what duck-tape would feel like on his testicles tomorrow) Maybe I'll just tape his dick to his balls when he Pees. -Shurg- We'll see. -snigger- Other than that, the hours passed really slowly. Almost as if I could've convulse and drop dead on my chair in my office and no one would've cared. Not even about my Mole. The airfield was Black today. A rare thing. It's like one in a ja-zillion-billion-million-trillion-molelion chance that something like that would have happened. But happen it did. And all flying ceased. (So did half of the brains of my pilots thus) But life does go on. And home I went. With not much to tell. Not many listeners anyway. Just drained. Just feeling morbid. Just molifed. Yes, that's it. Molified.
*Mole Log. Closing. Saving..Saving..Saved*
"Even after you win the rat race, You're still a rat'
-Lily Tomlin
Posted by
25 February, 2003
"Loving life and life is living,
It's very special..."
Baby don't go, baby don't go
Baby don't go, baby don't go
Yeah, yeah... yeah, yeah
It's such a shame but I'm leavin'
Can't take the way you're mistreating me
And it's crazy, but oh baby
It don't matter, whatever don't phase me
I don't believe you wanna leave like this
I don't believe I just had my last real kiss
I do believe we'll laugh and reminisce
Wait a minute, don't bounce baby,
let's talk about this man
Well, I'm bouncin' and I'm out son
I gotta leave you alone
Cause I'm good
Holdin' down my spot
and I'm good
Reppin' the girls on the block
And I'm good
I got this thing on lock
So without me you'll be fine-right
All my pride is all I have
Pride is what you had, baby girl I'm what you had
You'll be needing me but too bad
Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad
The path you chose to run along
I know you independent, you can make it on your own
Here with me you had a home, oh yeah...
The time is of the essence, why spend it alone
The nights I waited up for you (Oh boy)
Promises you made about coming through
So much time you wasted
That's why I had to replace you
It makes a cat nervous
The thought of settling down
Especially me I was creepin' all over town
I thought my tender touch could lock you down
I knew I had you, as cocky as it sounds
The way you used to giggle right before I put it down *giggle*
It's better when you're angry come here, Ill prove it now
(Come here)
Stop playing
You gaming
I gotta leave you alone
People make mistakes to make-up, to break-up, to wake-up
Cold and lonely chill, baby, you know me
You love me I'm like your homey
Instead of beefin' come hold me
I promise I'm not a phony
Don't bounce baby console me
(Come here)
Ain't nothin you can say to me
That can change my mind
I gotta let you go now
And nothing will ever be the same
So just be on your way
Go ahead and do yo thing now
And there's no more to explain to me ya know
I know your game I'm not feelin' what you do
So I'm bouncin' and I'm out son
I gotta leave you alone
Yeah, yeah...
JLo & LL CooLJ
Posted by
24 February, 2003
||Press. Initiating....|| -AheM- Back I am. Hrm...was eating lunch today..with my fingers, and suddenly I remembered something. Boon!!! It's all your fault. Gawd dude you've gotta stop sucking your fingers so faggotishly!!. -Cough- Anyhow, work sucked (<-- boon syndrom) today. Oh and by the way, for those of you who're wondering what I do, I'm a half-fucked underpaid and over worked source of labour for the Air Force. -cough cough-
Well yea, was suppose to get off work at five but my boss had to bitch. He just had to. Oh well, at least he'll be gone for a couple of weeks soon. -smug-
Was on the bus, watching Mobile TV (and watching working chicks) and heard that Norah Jones bagged Eight, yes I repeat Eight Grammy Awards. How about that for a Smooth Jazz Chick? Anyway, still trying to de-bug my blog (which is taking me eons cause I'm HTML illiterate) and listening to J-Lo's "All I Have " at the same time. Heh, that song speaks to me man. But really, it's a neat song....Oops, my mole's twitching. Time to go. Peace.
||Rubs. Closing..||
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Cramming through a journey unavoidable,
My head spins to this and that.
Wherein lay the end?
Wherefore did it begin?
That, is the future which we anticipate,
This, is the future we create.
Wherein lay the end?
Wherefore did it begin?
Success and Failures,
The medium to It,
Success takes lifetime,
Failure takes one spit.
Wherein will I end?
Wherefore should I begin?
Begin. Shit. Beginning anything is tough shit. Just Look at the mess i made! -mutters mutter-
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